Introduction: Make a Zinc Air Battery

About: NurdRage is a dedicate group of science nerds trying to further amateur science with direct how-to instructions in video format. We saw what was already online and we thought "we could do better"... …
In this video we show how to make a Zinc Air Battery.

First you'll need to make a solution of 50g of sodium hydroxide in 150mL of water. Stir it until it completely dissolves. Be careful as it will heat up a lot. Set it aside to cool.

Now get a zinc sheet (we cut one out of a carbon zinc battery in a previous video: and attach a wire to it and attach another wire to some steel wool. We then wrap the steel wool with a paper towel to serve as a separator. The zinc is then wrapped around the paper towel/steel wool and the whole assembly is placed into a container. The steel wool has to be exposed to air to allow the oxygen to get in. The electrolyte of sodium hydroxide is added and the battery is ready.