Introduction: Make a Wearable Stylus

About: I'm just a basic lurker in these parts. Many of the projects in here are interesting enough to jump-start ideas at home. I've made water barrels, set outdoor food dishes to be ant-repellant, putzed with variou…
There have been many times when I've gone somewhere and tried to use my Toughbook, but found the best feature of my laptop [the touchscreen] was unable to be used - because I had either forgotten or lost my stylus yet again.

I'm known for making odds and ends whenever I need them, and I've known other friends who could use such a stylus for their phones, hand-held games, etc., so, since I've subscribed to this thing for quite a while, I figured I could contribute something for a change, rather than merely lurking around here.

You'll find this an easy Instructable, but if there are any questions or comments, I'm open to suggestions.

Please note: I was in a bit of a hurry when I first put this thing together, and I'm using a poor quality camera, although the instructions should be clear enough.

Step 1:

When you make your stylus, there are two key aspects you need to consider: ensuring that your stylus is tapered, small enough for accuracy when applying pressure, and ensuring that, when you drag your stylus around the touchscreen, you don't inadvertently damage the screen - either by using a material too soft that would rub off on the screen, or too hard that would dent it - or too sharp, that would scratch or mar it.

Step 2: a stylus that you would have purchased perhaps a dozen of, but absent-mindedly keep losing track of...or leaving at work. Don't ask. To continue...

Step 3:

The white plastic handle that is used to carry the weight of the gallon-sized Gatorade bottle is sufficiently durable, yet reasonably pliable enough to shape, as I had discovered.

Step 4:

The tools to make the tool:
1: A sharp, well-honed knife [be sure that it is sharp, and be sure that you work away from yourself at all times]

2: A lighter, to heat a common safety pin or other long,sharp pin tip, and to dull and round-out the tip of the finished stylus

3: I had initially used cutters, like the blue-handled ones pictured, below; however, the plastic was resilient enough that it had to be rather wrangled loose with a pair of pliers like the ones pictured, below.

4: The tiny files may not be necessary; still, I liked to have the seams and rough edges smoothed down after cutting away at them.

5: A jump-ring to attach to the stylus at the top, to make it into a charm [not pictured]

6: A ball-chain to attach to the jump-ring.

Step 5:

With a combination of using the cutters and pliers, remove the white plastic from the clear plastic; the handle from the Gatorade bottle.

Step 6:

With the handle separated from the bottle, remove one "arm" from the handle, as shown. It is this "arm" that will be fashioned into the stylus.

Step 7:

At the top, where the crossbar of the handle is, is where you will want to grasp as you first shave away at the molding seam, then gradually shave away down the length to form a tapered end at the tip.

Step 8:

"Kissing" it with flame, to round out rough edges, will make it more comfortable to use when you are done; also, leaving the tip in the flame for just that extra moment will also round off the tip, making it feel more closely resembling the stylus you are more familiar with. Once that is squared away, proceed to heat the pin or other sharp object that you intend to pierce the top of the stylus with.

Step 9:

Using the lighter, I heated up the pin of the button in my hand unti the tip was glowing white/yellow/orange, then I bore it into the top of the stylus. Once the hole formed, the white plastic had developed some blackened and grey parts to it, which I smoothed down with those miniature files, more to make it aesthetically pleasing than any function. Once fully formed to my specification, I inserted the steel jump-ring [either in the bottom of a gal's jewelry box or at any notions store, I'm sure someonne out there can find one...]

Step 10:

Once completed, it can be worn either on a neckchain or wrapped around a fingertip. Note the length of it isn't all that imposing - it is more of a necklace charm than anything. The chain loop makes it easily accessible, while at the same time, readily stored and unlikely to be left behind.

Step 11:

There I am, with one of the worst digital cameras in existence, holding up one dogtag to lend a sense of scale to the final product. As you see, though primitive in appearance, it is still, nonetheless, quite useful - at least for me.

Step 12:

And, as you see, by looping it either on the long neckchain or looping the bead chain over the index finger, the stylus isn't likely to be lost or damaged; however, even if it is - it is readily replaceable. Hope you like it - and let me know of any improvements made to this simple design :)