Introduction: Make an Airsoft Machine Gun From a Soda Bottle

About: I like turning boring things into awesome things! Usually on video.
Several months ago I posted a project showing how to make a 'cloud' BB machine gun with a built in air supply out of PVC. That project, while very entertaining, cost $50 in parts and took several hours to complete. More recently I have resumed experimenting with BB machine gun designs with the goal of making them as inexpensive and easy to build as possible. The model that is made in the above video can be assembled in under 5 minutes, uses only four parts, and costs a total of about $15. If you have not seen my previous BB machine gun project you can take a look at it by clicking This Link.

This airsoft gun is a bullpup design, meaning that the pellets enter the barrel from behind the trigger. The machine gun works because as the bottle is pressurized the only way for the air to escape is through the barrel. That escaping air sucks pellets up and out with it like a high velocity vacuum. The rate of fire that can be achieved through such a design is spectacular, in excess of 50 rounds per second. The estimated FPS using a 6" long barrel is 250 when the bottle is fed with air at 100 PSI. If a longer barrel is used much higher velocities can be achieved.

Parts Required:
  • Soda Bottle
  • 7mm x 6" Automotive Brake Line
  • 1/4" Quick Release Air Compressor Fitting
  • Air Compressor Blow Gun

  • Drill & Drill Bits
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Air Compressor

The only downside to this particular machine gun is that it must be plugged directly into an air compressor line to fire. Fortunately, there are several modifications to this project that remove the need for a constant connection to an air compressor, such as a backpack mounted air tank. A flamethrower style backpack tank version will be featured in my next video, in addition to a modification that requires no access to pressurized air whatsoever, and will cost even less than the featured model.

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Until next time,