Introduction: Make an Idea Board

About: I am a lifelong maker and artist with 15 years experience teaching students to make things better for themselves. I teach at Mark Day School in Marin County, CA

With an inexpensive piece of hardboard panel (sometimes called shower board) you can create handy whiteboards. They are designed to be held with ether hand like an artists palette. They hang nicely on our tool wall inviting students to use them like any other tool in the design and making process.

You can also make these from acrylic!

Step 1: Material

Most big-box home improvement places will carry at least one type of hardboard material with a smooth white surface. Something like this.

I use a semi-transparent acrylic as my alternate material. See the photo above.

Step 2: Cut, Sand and Go!

A laser cutter is not truly required for this project, but it sure makes it slick! If you use a laser cutter, experiment with your settings to find what works best for cleanly cutting through the board. You can see in the photo above it looks like the material is burned, but don't worry. It cleans up nicely with some sandpaper and a moist paper towel.

I've included the files here for your convenience, but why not play with your own design? I love Adobe Illustrator for this, but a free option like Cura would also work quite nicely.

I've included a graphic above that highlights the components of this design. Have fun with it!

Step 3: Hang in a Convenient Place and Watch the Magic!

Let me see what you make!

Mind for Design

Participated in the
Mind for Design