Introduction: Make an Award-winning Costume in One Night With Packing Tape and Newspaper
O the powers of packing tape. Make this fancy tree, or any other sculpted costume, in no time with little investment. The results are lightweight and easy to wear, while being unique and award-winning!
Basic materials you'll need (for the tree):
- 4-6 rolls of packing tape. we used brown since we were making a tree, but you can also spray paint the costume later
- newspaper
- random branches from the neighborhood
- colored construction paper for the leaves
- another person
- scissors
Basic materials you'll need (for the tree):
- 4-6 rolls of packing tape. we used brown since we were making a tree, but you can also spray paint the costume later
- newspaper
- random branches from the neighborhood
- colored construction paper for the leaves
- another person
- scissors
Step 1: Line the Shell
First, start by making the shell. Wrap packing tape STICKY SIDE OUT around a person. This forms the non-sticky lining. You can add newspaper to the sticky outside to increase bulk. Because we wanted additional height, we taped four dowel rods to the shell to support the tape above the shoulders.
Step 2: Finish the Shell
Continue building the tape up to your desired height. I called the bar to make sure their ceiling heights were high enough (15'... good). Complete the shell by wrapping a layer of the tape sticky side in. Leave openings for the arms and/or legs. The person inside the shell at this point should be comfortable with dark confined spaces. The next step will provide claustrophobic relief.
Step 3: Begin the Tree-ing Process.
Cut out a hole out for which to see. Tape the branches to the top of the shell.
Step 4: Add Details
Finish the branch taping, and use the packing tape and newspaper to sculpt bark, knots, and other details. Cut out paper leaves and tape them to the end of the branches. Add stuff animals or any other personal fun items. Stay up late.
Step 5: Win Shots for All Your Friends.
Bike cautiously and enter through doors bent over. Later win best costume and share the glory with all your great friends.