Introduction: Make-it-Medieval WARHAMMER

About: The name says it all. And Sea Shanties. I like those too.

This is the grand beginning of the MIM-I (in English, that's Make it Medieval-Ish. The 'Ish' is there because we aren't historically accurate), a series dedicated to the making of random and typically epic projects that borderline on ridiculous. 'Cause that's how we roll.

The MIM-I series is made in collaboration with Jake Makes, and Brokk Hrafnsson (That's me, btw). We got to talking (we're sophisticated like that), and decided to make a series about Medieval/fantasy projects, called the MIM-I. The point of the series is to make awesome stuff with the simplest tools possible, so anyone can do it. We're nice like that. Also, it's because I don't have any fancy tools myself.

Point is, I made a warhammer. Technically speaking, that's WARHAMMER.

The entire thing is made from wood (except leather and nails, but yeah, wood), specifically a 4x4 we had lying around. I was bored, okay?

Read on, fellows.

Step 1: I Hate Writing Titles. I Like Sea Shanties More....

So I started with a 4x4. I didn't measure it, 'cause I'm WWWWAAAAYYYY to lazy, but hey, it turned out great. You'll want it about the general length of your hammer (duh). Turns out, I ended up adding a little more to the end, so give yourself some wiggle room and start out with a big piece.

I drew out the design I wanted (yeah, I'm no artist), and started saw cuts.

Yup, you heard me.

Saw Cuts.

Not Saw Cuts. Saw Cuts

I pulled out my handy-dandy saw and started making cuts, stopping at the line. Why, you may ask? Cause this was access wood and I figured I had to get rid of it, and this was a nifty method I knew. Keep making cuts, stopping right before each line, then flip it over and do the same to the other side.

You're gonna need a vice, in case it wasn't already clear.

The pictures make a lot more sense then my gibberish.

Step 2: Making the HAMMER Part of WarHAMMER

Because chisels are awesome and everyone should have one, I started using it and a mallet to cut out all the wood I had just sawed apart.

I didn't take any pictures of the process. Sue me. Actually don't, please.

It's sad I have to add that last part.

Actually, you probably couldn't just used a mallet to smash out the access wood. More brute force, less chisel work. Be careful on those ends, 'cause this is a 4x4 and not some fancy-smancy window-shopped wood. Not that I've ever window-shopped for wood. I forget the term for that.

If the hammer is cracking or showing any signs of ware, I used some wood glue to seal each end of the hammer, to prevent any cracking.

Then use a belt sander. Yup, I said simple tools at the beginning of this. But in case you didn't know, you should have a belt sander. The things are spectacular at shaping wood (you'll see more of that later), so go buy one.

I used 80 grit belts to raw-shape the wood, makin' it look pretty and getting those nice curves and cutting out any marks from the saw.

Step 3: Gettin' Them Pieces.

You've got a hammerhead. Now you need an aquarium. Or an ocean.

I'm kidding, you need a handle, for the hammer. I used a store bought dowel (oak, I think) and used the belt sander to scuff it up. If it's medieval, it's not perfect.

I drilled a hole in the hammer part, then drilled the same size hole into the oaken dowel. Obviously, that handle ain't gonna fit in the hammerhead, so I made a smaller dowel from a wood stake and fitted it between them. Picture 4 is the assembled cake. Fortunately, this cake is gonna need some paint.

As I was assembling it, I realized the hammer looked...bald. Funny how something that doesn't have hair in the first place can look bald.

So I made spikes. Everything needs spikes. Clubs, spears (duh), tires (that's a paradox), hedgehogs--evidently--, and hangliding cows. Actually, never mind that last one. The world might end if that happened.

The back spike was made from a bit of willow I had, and I used the belt sander to shape it to the right curve. The 'horn' of the hammer was made from (another) wooden stake, shaped with the belt sander and my sharp intellect.

Step 4: Some Assembly Required...

Glue all the components together. It may seem daunting, having all these parts to keep track of, but it's surprisingly easy. I mean, this was the first project that was both snazzy at the end, and very simple to make.

I glued the spikes on, but the hammer side of the equation was way too small for the rest of the deal. So I cut out some pine board (sorry, I didn't want to use that 4x4), and glued/screwed it into place.

I should've used wood filler to cover the screws, but I figured it was fine. Call me lazy.

Step 5: The Painting Gig.

So the hammer's (hopefully) assembled and hasn't burst into a thousand pieces. If it has, you're doing something wrong.

I wrapped tape around the hammerhead to prevent it from getting stained, then went ahead and rubbed that lovely, brain melting walnut stain onto the handle. It made a nice contrast to the head when finished, trust me.

Once that had sat for a while, I proceeded to the head. This time, I wrapped the handle with tape, to prevent it from looking like it was at a disco party, and used theMaster Formulato make the head look like metal.

Give the item two coats of silver paint. I used Rust-oleum Metallic.

Then proceed to arm yourself with dark metallic spray. Wait until the silver coats are completely dry before you hit it with the black. Hold it farther away, and lightly spray it with the darker stuff. Very lightly, and like two feet away from the thing you're painting.

Then arm yourself with a paper towel. Those things solve every life problem. Except when your mom comes storming into your room to ask why there's a Warhammer in her kitchen. But all the other problems.

Gently rub at the paint (I did it while it was wet), and sort of smear it. If you don't like how it's looking, hit it with a bit more black paint on the area you're struggling in, then try again. (Like I said before, MAKE SURE your silver paint is totally dry, otherwise the paint will rub off, revealing the wood underneath. This is why it took me so long to post this I'dible)

Step 6: Taa-daa!!! (How Many Glamour Shots Can I Take?)

There you go. Nice warhammer.

I wrapped the handle with some leather I had lying around and used some simple, (sort of dwarvish-looking) thumbtacks to hold it in place. The whole thing's nearly 3 feet long, which doesn't sound very impressive, unless that thing's flying at your face.

Just sayin'.

This thing took me a while (because I didn't wait for the paint, ask me how I know how to do this so well), but I bet this could be made in way less time.

This is my first edition to the MIM-I series, so stay tuned (I've always wanted to say that!) for more I'dibles on these things. Also, check out Jake Makes's I'dibles if you haven't already, he'll probably add to this series soon enough.

I seriously hope to have the next I'dible out by the end of the month, possibly quite sooner. I hope you enjoyed reading this, and if you didn't, well I probably just wasted a bunch of your time. I had fun, though, so it's worth it ;)

Brokk out.