Introduction: Make Money and Save the Planet

Low on cash, and want to help out the earth? I have solutions!

Step 1: Reuse

Reuse. A simple word. A simple idea.

Look at all the stuff you are throwing away. Cans, milk jugs, bottles. Think of all the things you could make with those things!

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Piggy bank
Pencil holder
kleenex box
the body for your next electronic project.
mould making material (I know an instructable that uses milk jugs to vacuum form.)

Step 2: Recycle

Man, I really want to buy that instructables t-shirt, but I'm short on cash. How could I make some money?

Recycle. Why throw away all of those beer and pop bottles, when you could take them to a bottle depot and make money?

Have things you aren't using? Sell them on sites like ebay!

Step 3: Compost

Compost. So simple and easy. Make a compost bin, or buy one. Not only does it help the inviroment, but it makes great soil.

Love to garden? You can save a ton on soil if you compost.

Step 4: Shop Smart

shop for things that dont have much packing material, and are earth freindly.

Better than shopping: Trading. There are websites where you can trade something you don't use or want for something you do. It can save a lot of money.

Looking for a site? You can, sell, trade, barter and give things away on craigslist.

Step 5: Going the Extra Mile.

Want to go the extra mile? Set up bottle drives around your area or other earth friendly events. You could make a lot of money for all the bottles you could get, and recycle a lot at the same time.

Going the extra extra mile. Clean up your street or the area around you. Now thats going the extra mile!

You could probably think of a ton of different ways to help the earth, but their just ideas until you put them into action.

Discover Green Science Fair for a Better Planet

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Discover Green Science Fair for a Better Planet