Introduction: Makey Makey, Scratch, and Code & Go Mouse
This lesson is designed for 2nd or 3rd grade students that have experience with Makey Makey, Scratch, and Code and Go Mouse. The lesson teaches vocabulary words. In this lesson the students use the Code and Go Mouse to trigger Scratch saying vocabulary words and their definitions. I used the book Hello Ruby: Journey Inside the Computer by Linda Liukas for the vocabulary words and definitions.
computer, Code and Go Mouse, Makey Makey, construction paper, foil, glue or glue stick, scotch tape, and scissors
Step 1: Make a Poster of the Vocabulary Words.
Step 2: I Used the Book Hello Ruby: Journey Inside the Computer by Linda Liukas to Teach Computer Components.
Step 3: Make a Grading Rubric for Students.
Step 4: Program Scratch to Record Sounds.
I used 6 vocabulary words for this lesson. I programmed Scratch to say the words and show their definitions when the Code and Go Mouse rolled over the words. For each word I typed in Scratch:
event block: when _____ key pressed
play sound _______ until done
say ______
For example:
when right arrow key pressed
play sound (I recorded) "hard drive" until done
say a data-storage device consisting of a drive and one or more hard disks for 5 seconds
Step 5: Attach Foil to the Underside of the Code and Go Mouse.
Step 6: Set Up the Makey Makey.
Use 6 wires to connect the four arrows, the space key, and the letter a. Connect the ground wire from the foil attached to the Code and Go Mouse and earth.