Introduction: Making Hydrogen (Cheapest Way)
Aluminium reacts with aqueous sodium hydroxide to form sodium aluminate and hydrogen.
2Al + 2NaOH + 2H2O = 2NaAlO2 + 3H2
Step 1: For This You Will Need
1. NaOH pellets
2. Aluminium Foil
3. Water
4. A glass Container
5. Bottle 1 l or Balloon (In order to collect hydrogen)
Step 2: Procedure
1. Add some NaOH (10 g) pellets to about 20ml of water in a container. Please note that a highly exothermic reaction takes place so protect your hands and don't hold NaOH with bare hands as it may cause you burns.
2. Mix it.
3. Add a piece of Aluminium foil in it.
4. Now the reaction starts.
5. Trap the hydrogen using a bottle or a balloon.
Step 3:
This reaction has been proposed as a potential source of fuel for hydrogen powered cars.
Hydrogen could be too much dangerous.
The reaction is highly exothermic that water evaporates. (and water is used continuously in the reaction.)
So it may happen that the solution may turn dry and the reaction might stop
to overcome this add some water.
Step 4: References