Introduction: Making Mini Monsters

About: I love making things.

I make these monsters because I can create anything I like. I enjoy making something original that's different from what you can buy in the shops. I play with them with my brother. We’re building two armies.

You need some material (eg. old socks), a needle, glass eyes or buttons, thread, scissors, stuffing (eg. off-cuts), other interesting parts like zips for a mouth, washers for eyes, springs for noses etc.

How to start - have a good idea! Initially I was inspired by Little Big Planet.

Step 1: Making the Head

To make the head you will need a needle, thread, some material, scissors, buttons or glass eyes. To make them the same size as mine cut out a rectangle 12 by 3cm plus 2 circles diameter 3.5cm. (leave some space for seams)

Sew the long side of the rectangle round one of the circles and then down the seam. Sew on the other circle but don’t forget to leave a gap (for turning inside out). I use simple overstitch.

Step 2: Different Kinds of Eyes

Turn inside out.

  • PLASTIC EYES – before stuffing - make hole in material, put eye on front and clamp on back and push together hard
  • GLASS EYES – after stuffing - push needle out of head, through hole and back into head and tighten, pulling eye close to head, knot behind
  • BUTTON EYES – before or after stuffing – like adding normal buttons

You can buy different kinds of eyes in UK from - I discovered this company at the Knitting and Sewing Trade Show - they sell lots of useful stuff for making toys.

Step 3: Stuffing

Use old scraps for stuffing and sew up the gap.

Step 4: Making the Body

The body is a simple sewn up sack.

Step 5: Making a Mouth and Nose

If you want to use a zip, add it at the start before sewing the rectangle to top of head. See my press stud mouth! It's the same as a zip but without the zip – it needs an inside part which is a bag sewn into a hole like a pocket…

Otherwise embroider using embroidery thread after stuffing the head.

NOSE – ideas could be a bent spring or an arm you’ve made too small (see the trunk).

EARS - whatever you like.

Step 6: Other Features

I made the horns by using shaping Fimo (a clay type substance which you have to bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 100 deg C.) Make holes in the Fimo to thread your needle through.

Step 7: Making Arms - Cotter Pin Joints

I decided to have non-symmetrical arms.

One arm uses a cotter pin joint so it can rotate.

Step 8: Making Arms - Tentacles

The other arm is a tentacle. It is a long arm with a pipe cleaner inside, so it can bend. It has washers for suckers.

Step 9: Making Legs

I make the legs quite small.

Here is the finished monster - with some Fimo claws and a shark tooth necklace.

Step 10: Have Fun Making Monsters!

Here are some of my collection of monsters. I make masks, wings, cloaks and other accessories too.

I hope you have fun making some of your own!

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