Introduction: Making Our Door Thresholds by Hand
You can see the spray foam through the hole where the old grate for hvac used to be and the old wood from the wall that used to be there, not to mention the grand canyon like gap between the floors and the doors. NOT pretty and very obvious and very noticeable. These thresholds alone have kept me from taking pictures and revealing my kitchen and my living room!
Step 1: Using Rasps and a Bench Clamp
I can’t even begin to tell you how cool it was to do something like this so entirely by hand. with some of my Grandpa's old tools! I made them at an angle.
Step 2: Sanding, Staining and Then Sealing to Completion
With the boards complete I cut all of them to length and there was a certain amount of sanding I did to make sure the doors would open etc. Then, with my patches installed and door thresholds installed I got to work sanding everything down one more time and staining it all to match the floors. So much better!!