Introduction: Making Pulled Pork for Christmas the Old Fashioned Way
I made 30 portions of Pulled Pork using a #9 Griswold Cast Iron pan, an Amish Lindy Stainless Steel pot and it was cooked for 5 hrs on a Perfection Kerosene Stove.
Step 1: The Spices.
This is a very simple recipe. It doesn't require a lot of spices, just sweet onions, oregano, whole black peppercorns, garlic powder and your choice of sauce.
Step 2: This Recipe Also Doesn't Require a Smoker or Crockpot
All I use is my Amish 9 element stainless steel pot. 9 layers on the bottom prevent burning.
Step 3: The Heat Source: a 1957 Hupp/Perfection K12, 2 Burner Kerosene Stove
The meat is cooked on this stove for 5 hrs at a low Blue flame.
Step 4: After 5 Hrs, This Is What You Get.
Step 5: After Shreading, There Is Still More to Do!
You still have another hour of stewing to go!
Watch the video for all the details here.