Introduction: Making a Pumpkin Using PVC Pipe
So after seeing a few pumpkin decorations at a retail store I decided to try to come up with my own version of a pumpkin decoration using a few pieces of 4 1/2 inch wide PVC pipe I had at the house, and I figured if I cut them up into wedges and then glued the wedges together it would have the outside shape of a pumpkin. But then I thought it would be really cool to add lighting to the pumpkin by leaving a small gap between the wedges.
-- PVC Pipe
-- Wood Dowel or Stick
-- Paint and Paint Brushes
-- Glue or Hot Glue Gun
-- Artificial Decor for top of Pumkin
-- Sandpaper
-- String of Lights
Tools Needed
-- Saw for cutting PVC Pipe
-- Tape Measure
-- Hot Glue Gun
Step 1: Figuring Out PVC Wedge Sizes
-- The PVC pipe I was using was 4 1/2 inches wide
-- So, the first thing that I did was to lay a circle out which was the width of two pieces of 4 1/2 inch PVC pieces with a 1 inch wood dowel in the middle.
-- Next thing I did was decide on how many wedges I wanted to do.
-- Then I decided on the size gap that I wanted to go with. Which I decided to go with a 5/8 inch gap.
-- After doing the layout the outside wedge dimension ended up being 2 inches wide.
-- You will notice that by drawing a straight line from the outside to the center that the wedges ended up 1/4 inch where it meets the wood dowel.
Step 2: Cutting the PVC Wedges
-- The next step is to cut your twelve pieces which will be 2 inches wide down to 1/4 inches.
-- I used a bandsaw for this. I found that for my wedges by setting the miter at 10 degrees on each side was perfect.
-- After cutting the pieces I gave them a little sanding to remove any rough edges and for helping the paint to bond better.
Step 3: Time for Painting
-- I decided to paint the inside of the wedges yellow thinking this would help the lights to show up better.
-- Then for the outside I started by painting it black followed by several coats of orange. I was trying to get a more realistic pumpkin color. I was happy with how these turned out.
Step 4: Gluing the Pumpkin Together
-- To start with I held the wood dowel up to one of the PVC pieces and cut it just above the halfway point.
-- Next I glued two of the pieces directly across from each other onto the wood dowel.
-- Then opposite of them I did the same thing.
-- Now it will support itself to make it easier to glue up the remaining pieces.
"Note- Leave out one section of PVC to make it easier for placing the lights on the inside."
Step 5: Placing Lights and Stem on Pumpkin
-- Work the string of lights around on the inside of your pumpkin. If you are using your pumpkin outside be sure to use indoor-outdoor lights.
-- Once you have the lights in glue the last PVC piece in place. Be sure to leave the plug on the lights to the outside.
"Hint- next time I would probably use rope lighting so they wouldn't be so noticeable on the inside of the pumpkin"
-- For the stem cut a piece of stick or limb the same width as the wood dowel you used and glue it on top of the pumpkin.
Step 6: Decorating Your Pumpkin
-- To spruce up the pumpkin I hot glued some fall color artificial leaves and a pinecone that I purchased from the dollar store on top.
Step 7: Finished Photos
Thanks for looking and be sure to post your pictures if you decide to make one of these pumpkins. And also, if you get a chance check out some of the other things I make on my Etsy store at or find me on Instagram at resinandwoodworld.