Introduction: Making a Quick and Simple “Stop” for Multiple Cuts
When I’m cutting a lot of boards the same length and angle, it doesn’t make sense to measure each time, or mark multiple cuts along a single board. Employing a block stop system is not only efficient, it also allows the boss to set up a cut and turn someone loose on the task who knows how to safely run the saw and won’t have to worry about careful measuring.
Step 1: Use Scrap Wood
Use scrap wood – 2 pieces of 2x material + a piece of 3/4” material (plus whatever needed) to create a support base that is at the same level as the cutoff saw’s base. In this photo a layer of cardboard was used under the 3/4” material to obtain the right level.
Step 2: Set Up the Saw
Check that the base of the saw is at the same level as the support base.
Step 3: Secure the Saw and Create the Set-up Board
Secure the cutoff saw to the worktable. Then square up one end of a board and mark it for your proper length to be cut multiple times, creating your set-up board.
Step 4: Fasten Down the Scraps
Lay the set-up board so the length mark is directly under the blade. Center the support base under the other end. Fasten both 2x scraps down securely to the work table. Leave the 3/4” scrap loose for now.
Step 5: Nick the Length Mark
Nick the set-up board with the blade at the length mark. No need to cut it to length, you might have a use for it elsewhere.
Step 6: Set Up the Stop Length
Keeping the set-up board held securely, flush edges with the 3/4” scrap. Pencil mark the 2x support base.
Fasten the 3/4” scrap to the 2x support base at your pencil mark: the end of this board is your stop length.
Step 7: Get Set!
Use a straight cut scrap to flush the 3/4” stop board edge with the board to be cut.
Step 8: Start Cutting!
Start cutting! If you are cutting angles, just make sure the top of the angle hits the stop block. Otherwise you risk undermining.
Step 9: Hope This Helps!
I used this method for a wood-framed panelized yurt I am building on our property. With all of the repetitive cuts for the roof, wall, and floor panels, many of them angled, a jig saved me a lot of time and also maintained accuracy. I hope the system helps you for any repetitive cutting task you may have.
By the way, we originally published this information on our blog, We plan to publish a book about the yurt sometime next year!