Introduction: Making a Simple DIY Motor Boat

About: Tech loving Dad to a Maker Son (Abzy) and a Baker Daughter (Yati). I share instructables of what my children make.

This Activity / Kit could help kids:

  • Express their creativity
  • Work hands on
  • Experience Basic Electronics

Parenting tip: Parents may also discuss topics like floating, density, water and basic electronics with their kids.

Estimated Time: 1 Hour


  • Small DC Motor
  • Battery Connector
  • Electric Wire
  • Propeller
  • 9v Battery
  • On / Off Switch
  • Styrofoam Pieces

Once we have all the tools and contents laid out on our work table. It’s time to begin our work.

And before we go on this is just one way how these can be used to make a boat which is what Abzy (our 7 year old) did. I encourage trying something on your own and do share with us.

Step 1: Part 1

In three simple steps we can cut the styrofoam pieces to make them look like a boat. The second piece of styrofoam will also need to be cut in the same proportion.

We used a paper cutter to make the cuts, but please make sure parental supervision for young kids, paper cutters are very sharp and kids need to be extra careful.

Step 2: Part 2

The first piece needs to be cut from the center to make a border. This border will sit on the second piece. Once done glue the two pieces together one on top of another.

Step 3: Part 3

Once done, make the connections as shown below. This is fairly simple and the circuit needs to be completed in series. The circuit diagram shows these connections visually.

Don’t forget to follow us on instagram and facebook for the latest on our journey.

Step 4: Part 4

Finally all our pieces need to be glued to the styrofoam to make our boat ready to go in the water. Be careful not to splash too much water. If it enters the motor it might not work.

Hope you enjoyed this quick activity.