Introduction: Making a Suitable Gripper for Robotic Arm
In this project, we design and build a gadget that can be added to the
robotic arm or any mechanism which need grippers. Our gripper looks like the other commercial grippers which can be programmed and modular.
This instruction is shown on steps of pictures and no have many extra texts. we have tried to explain the process of work in different pictures. Thank you for attention.
Step 1: Idea
Making and designing a flexible and adaptable gripper for robotic products is important, amazing and interesting. The RobotIQ product is a commercial and robust product design for the Universal Robot. Our gripper exterior design, inspired by that.
Step 2: Designing
With the help of the SOLIDWORKS software, the parts and mechanism of the design are described in figures.
Install the pieces of their three-dimensional files in the order of photos, along with the description of the parts. First, install two bearings under the space provided on the main arms of the arm and put these two arms in their place. Install the two small arms in parallel with them in parallel. The other three mechanical parts that carry out the power transfer from the servo motor are positioned in the same way as in the specified location (like a 3-D puzzle, all the parts will only be plugged in place). Place three other bearings on these three gears, and then install a suitable belt similar to the shape of the two forward gears. This will allow the motor to match both the left and right links in the same way as previously done through the gear structure. This prevents the gripper from slipping off when removing the body. The gripper pans include a flexible finger and the two main parts and a bearing that are joined together in an upright shape and fitted together by screws of the appropriate size. The servo motor is positioned in the same shape as above, with 2 screws tightened. And other parts are said to be in their place, and the right screws, all of which are 3 mm in diameter, are used to tighten on their places. The white part is embedded in the electronics department.
Step 3: Assembling
These parts are needed:
Arduino Nano
MG995 55G Servos Motor
Wire to the required number
HC 05 Bluetooth module
Pitch to the required number
Power supply (anything)
7 *Bolboring 15mm diameter out,6mm in, 5mm width
A 3D printer with some different PLA filaments
A suitable belt
Some Buttons
Volumetric Potentiometer
2 *LEDs
assembling recipe described in design part step by step on pictures.
Step 4: Printing the 3d Parts
STL files are ready to print. you can choose different color filament or flexible one to print for example the fingers.
Step 5: Electronic Part and Application
the schematic of the circuit for this gripper is shown on the pictures.
the Arduino code is:
Servo myservo; int servo = 9; int Pot = 0; int AA; int BB; int B = 10; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); myservo.attach(9); pinMode(8, OUTPUT ); } void loop() { //digitalWrite(8, HIGH); if (Serial.available()) { String STR = Serial.readString(); Serial.println(STR); B = STR.toInt(); // B is coming from application, that click button then send num. } if (B == 10) { digitalWrite(8, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level) } if (B == 9) { digitalWrite(8, LOW); } AA = analogRead(Pot); AA = map(AA, 0, 1023, 0, 200); delay(15); if (B == 10) { myservo.write(AA); digitalWrite(8, HIGH); } if (B == 0) { // this BB for mobile application to set degree of gripper hands BB = 0; myservo.write(BB); B = 8; } if (B == 1) { BB = 25; myservo.write(BB); B = 8; } if (B == 2) { BB = 50; myservo.write(BB); B = 8; } if (B == 3) { BB = 75; myservo.write(BB); B = 8; } if (B == 4) { BB = 100; myservo.write(BB); B = 8; } if (B == 5) { BB = 125; myservo.write(BB); B = 8; } if (B == 6) { BB = 175; myservo.write(BB); B = 8; } if (B == 7) { BB = 200; myservo.write(BB); B = 8; } if (B == 8) { digitalWrite(8, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level) } if (B == 9) { digitalWrite(8, LOW); } }
application for mobile design in MIT app inventor site
I use this for learning how to write an app and suitable code for Bluetooth module and Arduino.
Step 6: Applications
now this gripper is ready to install on the robot manipulators and it is easy to program it like other commercial models.
this gripper is 350 grams and the flexible fingers are ready to catch any objects.