Introduction: Making a Speaker Baffle for a Guitar Amplifier
How to make a speaker baffle for a guitar amplifier
Step 1: Measuring for the Speaker Baffle
From a select piece of 2' x 2' x 1/2" thick pine ply
I measure the section to be cut for the speaker baffle
I measure the section to be cut for the speaker baffle
Step 2: Measuring for the Speaker
After cutting a section of 1/2" pine ply wood
square to fit inside the cabinet
I trace the circumference of the speaker to the section of wood
square to fit inside the cabinet
I trace the circumference of the speaker to the section of wood
Step 3: Cutting Out the Hole for the Speaker
After carefully measuring I follow the traced line with my scroll saw
to cut out the hole for the speaker baffle
*ALWAYS wear Safety Glasses when using any power tools*
to cut out the hole for the speaker baffle
*ALWAYS wear Safety Glasses when using any power tools*
Step 4: Marking the Mounting Hole for the Speaker
After carefully cutting the hole for the speaker baffle
I measure and mark the holes to be drilled for the attachment of the speaker
to the baffle
I measure and mark the holes to be drilled for the attachment of the speaker
to the baffle
Step 5: Sanding and Painting the Speaker Baffle
After all cuts have be made
I completely sand the baffle
and have my daughter apply a couple of coats
of black paint to the outside of the speaker baffle
I completely sand the baffle
and have my daughter apply a couple of coats
of black paint to the outside of the speaker baffle
Step 6: Installing the Speaker
After the paint has dried I install the speaker
to the baffle using 8/32 nuts and bolts
and a drop of lock tight on the threads so that they DONT
become loose from the amplifiers vibration during use
to the baffle using 8/32 nuts and bolts
and a drop of lock tight on the threads so that they DONT
become loose from the amplifiers vibration during use
Step 7: Check for Fit
Before I cover the cabinet or the speaker baffle I check and
make sure that all the components fit properly
make sure that all the components fit properly
Step 8: Measuring and Cutting the Grill Cloth
After the speaker is installed
I place the speaker baffle over a piece of
silver grill cloth and cut it to size
*Please be careful when cutting the grill cloth with a razor blade*
I place the speaker baffle over a piece of
silver grill cloth and cut it to size
*Please be careful when cutting the grill cloth with a razor blade*
Step 9: Cutting the Corners
after the piece is cut to fit I cut the corners of the grill cloth
this allows relief for when wrapping the cloth around the baffle
this allows relief for when wrapping the cloth around the baffle
Step 10: Staple the Grill Cloth to the Speaker Baffle
after measuring and making all the cuts I staple the grill cloth to
the underside of the speaker baffle
the underside of the speaker baffle
Step 11: Installing the Speaker Baffle
After the speaker baffle has been comlpeted I install it into
the cabinet using 8/32 nuts and bolts
the cabinet using 8/32 nuts and bolts