Introduction: Humanoid Robot Memor
Heyy... i am Farsin Hamza.... Here we are going to explain the building of humanoid robot called “MEMOR“. it is a 2 feet long robot . It was developed as a part of college project. The fascination and curiosity towards humanoid robot leads me to such a project. The main advantage of humanoid robot over other robot is that it can use the tools and equipments which are already developed for human beings .This humanoid robot memor have 11 DOF ( DOF stands for degree of freedom which is similar to number of joints )
Step 1: Hardware Required
1. Arduino mega
2. Servo (MG995 and SG90 )
3. IR proximity sensor
4. Bluetooth module
5. SD card module (optional)
6. Power supply ( since it needs high amps, you can use altered computer SMPS )
7. LED and resistor (optional)
Step 2: Software Required
1. Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE is used to upload program to arduino
2. MIT application inventor
MIT app inventor is used to develop android application to control humanoid robot
Step 3: Materials and Tools Required
1. Forex board
2. Fevikwik glue
3. Knife
4. Paint ( optional )
Step 4: Circuit Diagram
1. join all the positive power input wire of servo and connect it to the positive part of SMPS
2. Similarly join all the negative power input wire of servo and connect it to the negative part of SMPS
3. Control/signal pin of each servo are connected to each PWM supported pin of arduino (arduino mega supports maximum of 13 PWM pins)
4. Output of IR sensor is connected to any of the digital input/output supported pin of arduino
5. TX of bluetooth module is connected to the RX of arduino similarly RX of the bluetooth module is connected to the TX of arduino
Separate power source can be used for arduino and servo so that whenever the servo take more current , it will not affect the working of arduino ( Both the arduino and servo should have common ground )
Step 5: Building Parts for Robot
Following part have to be build
1. Legs
2. Hands
3. Head
4. Torso
(There are no special dimensions for the parts. You can have your own one.)
1. First of all you have to come up with a rough dimensions (While designing rough dimension you have to consider the size of arduino mega,motor and wiring)
2. After making the demo structure, You have to check the static stability of the robot ( as shown in above figure )
3. If it is statically less stable , then you have to change the dimension
4. Repeat the process until you get a good dimensions
Step 6: Wiring
Wire up the circuit as shown in the previous figure
Step 7: Programming
Most of the people thinks that this is most toughest part of the project
if you follow these step then programming will be very simple
1. Make a basic program to control each component (bluetooth,servo,IR sensor etc ) separately
2. Now you can combine two of the program
3. Test the program
4. Similarly step by step combine all the program into a single one (Don't forget to test the program in each step)
Following lines are the command to control the servo motors
myservo9 means it is the 9th servo motor
write(90) means rotate to 90 degree from its place
delay(500) means wait for half a second
we all knew that videos are formed by the combination of frames. similarly the actions are made in robot by the combination of different angles in different servo
For example
so all you need is little passion. Try different angles,Try different combination,Make different actions .That's how you learn things.
similarly use the step by step technique for building android app in MIT app inventor
a lot of tutorial are already available in the internet. i kindly request you to refer it
Step 8: Final Step
After finishing your work you can paint it or add some LED or do whatever you like.
memor.. now its all yours !!!
Thank you !
Step 9: Mission Failed
"Failure are the stepping stones to success"
1. Making parts using PVC pipe ( after heating and making it into a sheet ) is found to be very tough when it reached torso
2. Making parts using GI sheet is found be tougher. it weighed more than 2.5 kg (along with motor ) after finishing. so the motor couldn't take the load.