Introduction: Making of Puzzle With Photoshop

Step 1: Open Minion Image

Open minion image (first download images if you are not using your own photos) in Photoshop.

File > Open > select image > Open

(optional) Then duplicate image, right-click on the image layer in the Layer panel and select Duplicate Layer or use shortcut CTRL + J (CMD for Mac).

Step 2: Import Puzzle Template

Go File > Place Embedded > select puzzle image > Place

Step 3: Resize Puzzle Image

Drag the dots to fit the size of the underlying image. While doing that, hold the Shift key to remain proportions.

Use crop tool to cut off any unnecessary parts.

Step 4: Add Blend Mode

Change puzzle image's blend mode from Normal to Darken.

If the puzzle grid seems too dark, lower Opacity of puzzle layer.

Finally, save the file and print it out. Cut out puzzle pieces and enjoy! Now you have your own DIY puzzle :)

Step 5: Result