Introduction: Making (virtually) Free Jewelry (out of Staples!)

About: Yup, I live in little old Oklahoma. No, we do NOT live in tepees, and, unlike you would expect, the state is nowhere close to flat. Most of my computer skills come from my dad, who is a programmer, and first…
A few days ago I was messing around with some staples, making them into a chain, and thought they looked kinda cool like that.  I suddenly realized the chains would make great jewelry, for cheap too!  You could use them instead of an expensive gold or silver chain for hanging your favorite pendant or charm, and with needle-nose pliers (and maybe a soldering iron), you can make little charms too!  Personally, the chains would make a great gift.  Anyway, here's how to make them.  BTW this is my first Instructable, so please be nice.

Step 1: Materials

You'll need:
Fingers (duh!)
Needle-Nose Pliers (helpful, but optional)

Step 2: Staple!

All you need to do here is use the stapler like you're stapling paper.  Do that until you have a good size pile of staples on the table.

Step 3: Helpful Hint

Ack!  You dropped a staple on the floor!  Staples are nearly impossible to find in gray carpet.  Here's a helpful tip:  Take a magnet and run it across the floor.  Eventually you'll probably run into the staple somewhere.

Step 4: Make a Chain

All you have to do now is link the staples together by the folded-over parts.  The problem is, they don't stay together sometimes.  That's easy to fix, though.  Just use your fingers (or needle-nose pliers) to squish the folded parts down.  On the other hand, sometimes they won't connect together, so just pull open the end that won't go together.

Every so often, check the length of the chain to make sure it fits around your arm or neck okay.  If you're trying to make a standard length necklace chain, normal length is usually 16 to 18" long.  Bracelet size depends on how big your wrist is.

Step 5: Done!

To finish off, make sure one of the end staple loops is opened to a hook shape so you can slip the loop on the other end through it.  After that, you're done!  Wear (or gift) your new jewelry with pride.