Introduction: How to Sucessfully Manage a Pool
Here are the list of duties that will need to be completed on a daily basis. I have provided as much information as I could but please feel free to call me if you have any other questions!
Step 1: First- Monitor Pool
Check pH level and free chlorine of the pool water. Use the test kit located in the guard room. Instructions are on the box if you need some help. Also measure the total chlorine, total alkalinity, calcium hardness, and cyanuric acid.
Step 2: Second- Inform Lifeguards of Duties
Explain the system of rotation to the lifeguards. In the guard room there is a white erase board hanging up with chair numbers that you can write their name next to so they know which chair to start in. Each rotation is 15 minutes.
Make sure each lifeguard has a copy of their certification.
Step 3: Third- Explain First Aid Instructions
There is a first aid room next to the guard room with. In there you will find the first aid kit, back board, life vests and cleaning supplies. Apply first aid to anyone that needs it. There is a EAP instructions list hanging in this room above the door as well if any one has questions about it. If an ambulance needs called there is a gate in the back of the pool directly behind the diving board that they can enter through. The code to the lock is the same for the key lock.
Step 4: Fourth- Make Sure Lifeguards Are Up to Date on Their Information
Ensure that everyone is up to date on their training. They may have their certification, but those last for two years so it is important to have a refresher and go over water rescues, CPR, and first aid. You may want to do this before a work shift.
Step 5: Fifth- Scheduling
Make sure at least 6 lifeguards are scheduled every day. Pool coverage is extremely important. Chairs 1,3,4 and 5 should always be covered. On slow days it is okay to take chair 3 down. For the remaining lifeguards there will be someone on first aid and the other will be on break. I usually make the schedule on Sunday nights and post it on Monday, but you can do this any way you prefer. Shifts should be scheduled from 11:30 am - 6:30 pm. A half hour before and after pool hours is necessary for cleaning purposes.
Step 6: Sixth- Safety Regulations
Inform the lifeguards of the safety regulations. There is a list of rules posted on the brick wall next to the women's bathroom. Go over this with them and make sure it is a must that they enforce these rules.
Step 7: Seventh- Pool Maintenance
On the same erase board there is a list of cleaning duties each lifeguard will need to complete before and after pool hours.
Opening duties- Check bathroom make sure lights are on and toilet paper is stocked in each stall. Pick up any trash. Check out front and make sure all trash is picked up. Check each filter and clean the baskets out. Skim the pool. Vacuum pool. Put out umbrellas for all the chairs. Put out safety Equipment
Closing duties.- Clean bathrooms when patrons have cleared out: Use the hose to mop. Empty trash cans around the pool. Vacuum front desk area. Vacuum guard room. Put umbrellas away. Straighten up the lounge chairs.
Step 8: Eighth- Pump Room Check
The pump room is located to the right of the baby pool. To turn on the slide and equipment for the splash pad there are switches to the right of the door for these. The splash pad is a mini water park for all ages, but intended for children. This includes the water slide and water toys that are available for patrons during pool hours. The switches are labeled in the pump room so it should be easy to find. Regulate the filter and main drain every two hours. Make sure they are functioning okay and instructions for this are located in the first aid room.
Step 9: Ninth- Weather Conditions
If thunder or lightening occurs, patrons are required to clear the pool and deck for 30 minutes. Patrons can re-enter if weather condition has not occurred for 30 minutes. If we have to close for the rest of the day, then a refund is allowed only if they have been there for 30 minutes. If they have been there for longer than that, we can provide them with a free pool pass scheduled for the next day.
Step 10: Tenth- Time Cards
At the end of the day check the time cards and make sure they are all correct. Time cards are due at the end of every other week. You will need to check and verify each time card. Depending on which day the pay period calls on, you will need to check these on the 15th, 30th, or 31st of each month. Steven Murphy, from the City of Hagerstown will be in on these days to pick the time cards up. Feel free to call or email me at any time for any questions or concerns you may have.