Introduction: Master of Puppets - GeekconX 2014
Earlier this month we presented at a tech conference in France and saw an amazing robot called Inmoov, an open source humanoid that can be 3d printed created by Gael Langevin. We immediately fell in love and knew we had to print the beast and what better place to give it a go than Geekcon?
So we decided to create a Puppet Theater Play in which Inmoov’s hand is the main character!
We will do this by animating him through hand gestures, the puppeteer will perform in front of a 3d camera (Intel’s IVCam) and Inmoov will replicate the puppeteer’s movements. The stage will be projected onto changing according to the storyline and the puppet’s movement making for a very geeky show...
We also added a sidekick inspired by Adams family's Thing...It's a mechanical hand inspired by a model that can be found here. Thing was supposed to be powered by a motor that also connected to a wheel that responsible for moving the hand on the floor in circles.
This is a photographed documentation of our work on GeekconX. September 20th, 2014.
Step 1: Required Equipment
Robotic Hand
- Of course you need to have a 3d printer...we got the help of AutoDesk team to print the parts.
- 5x servos MG946r for fingers
- servo MG996r for the rotational wrist
- 0.6mm breaded /fishing line
Hand Control
- 1 arduino
- 1 control circuit on usb
- 1 power circuit on external power supply
- Intel’s IVCam
- 5mm thick of wooden sheet (4mm also works)
- 5mm diameter dowel
- 10mm diameter dowel
- 1 small weight (apx, 10 grams)
- Laser cutter...