Introduction: Mech Fire and Ice Dragon

  • It is made using tinkercad.
  • you can make it by following steps and do some changes(like change colour, change its size, add some thing, etc) en something is taken out from other.

Step 1: Make This Dinosaur

  • Using basic shapes, you have to make this and save it in tinkercad.
  • Duplicate it and use duplicate one.

Step 2: Make This and Change.

  • Make this and copy.
  • Paste it in duplicate of that dragon.
  • take out missile and lasserbeen part and dellete rest of it.
  • and add it in the dragon like in the first picture.

Step 3: Make This and Change.

  • Do the same as we did in step 2.
  • And from this, take out 1 bullet and bullet shooter

Step 4: The Final Step

  • Attach all the parts together and do some changes in equipment(equipment are those which are taken out in step 1 and 2) as shown in picture.
  • And take any shade of blue and red as it is mech fire and ice dragon.