Introduction: Medical Supplied Drone - MashUp
Hi, my name is Heman, I'm in my 20's and I am one of the tinkerer's over at Tinker Studios, Greenwich London. My idea is for the MashUp category which could also work as a Silly Solution.
I have thought of an idea of having a first aid kit being supplied by a drone which could be very useful in various hard to get to places (like being stuck on a mountain top or a high rise building or across a river etc with urgent need for cleaning and bandaging up a wound or worse.
Step 1: Importing the Objects From the Gallery
After searching the objects I wanted, I then decided to 'Copy and Tinker' the objects and then opened the scenes to allow the mash up to form.
I then copied one of the objects and pasted it into the other scene of the other object.
Step 2: Tinkering the Objects
After copying and pasting the objects into the scene, I then adjusted the scale, placed and aligned the objects in proportion of each other.
One of the objects also involved unlocking each part to move it. An easy way is by selecting the whole object and then clicking unlock.
I also tinkered a tad by attaching a band around the kit and handle bars of the drone. This was done by using some basic shapes and hole features.