Introduction: Crochet Megaman (Mega Man) Amigurumi

About: Community Manager for Instructables and Tinkercad.
I present MEGA MAN!  

Now this isn't the cartoon Mega man, this is the 8-bit video game Mega man.  I wanted to make that clear.  He's just that short, stocky, funny looking guy in the video game.  From pictures, it appears his blaster changes to whatever arm is convenient, but most pictures put it on the left arm, so that is where mine is.

This is my first time making up a crochet pattern, and like with most things, I can't just start with something simple, I have to try to jump into something crazy.  This Mega man started out quite awesome looking in my mind, deteriorated to a mutant Mega man in the middle of it's creation and came out looking acceptable in the end.

This is the outcome of weeks (when I had time) of work involving many moments of almost giving up and throwing him across the room, and an oddly still numb tip of my right ring finger (the feeling is starting to come back, I think it is from the pressure I put on the finger while crocheting, since I crochet very tightly).

I hope you enjoy this Instructable.  He was, in the end, very fun to make and I enjoy seeing him on my desk at Instructables!

Step 1: What You Need

You'll need the basics and then a few other things if you want his limbs to move.

  • Dark Blue Yarn
  • Lighter Blue Yarn
  • Black Yarn
  • White Yarn
  • Mega man Skin colored Yarn (forgot to put in picture but it was just some stuff I found at a second hand craft store)
  • Crochet Hook Size E
  • Yarn Needle that fits through button holes
  • Buttons (8) with holes your yarn needle can fit through
  • Stuffing

For this amigurumi, you need to know how to do a chain, slip stitch, magic ring (optional), single crochet and double crochet.

Step 2: Head and Helmet

The head is the easiest part.  It is just a ball.  Take your Mega man skin colored yarn:
  1. Magic Ring of 6 or chain two and do 6 sc. st. into second chain from hook (6)
  2. Inc (2 sc into one stitch) around (12)
  3. Sc into first st., inc in second st., repeat around (18)
  4. Sc into first 2 sts., inc in third st., repeat around (24)
  5. Sc into first 3 sts., inc in forth st., repeat around (30)
  6. Sc into first 4 sts., inc in fifth st., repeat around (36)
  7. Sc around (36)
  8. Sc around (36)
  9. Sc around (36)
  10. Sc around (36)
  11. Sc around (36)
  12. Sc around (36)
  13. Sc around (36)
  14. Sc into first 4 sts., dec., repeat around (30)
  15. Sc into first 3 sts., dec., repeat around (24)
  16. Sc into first 2 sts., dec., repeat around (18) 
  17. Sc into first st., dec., repeat around (12)
  18. Dec. around (6)
  19. Sl. st. closed and fasten off
Helmet, take darker blue color:
  1. Magic Ring of 6
  2. Inc (2 sc. into one stitch) around (12)
  3. Sc. into first st., inc. in second st., repeat around (18)
  4. Sc. into first 2 sts., inc. in third st., repeat around (24)
  5. Sc. into first 3 sts., inc. in forth st., repeat around (30)
  6. Sc. into first 4 sts., inc. in fifth st., repeat around (36)
  7. Sc. into first 5 sts., inc. in sixth st., repeat around (42)
  8. Sc. around (42)
  9. Sc. around (42)
  10. Sc. 20 sts., ch. 1, 2 dc. in next stitch, ch. 1, 2 dc. in next stitch, ch. 1, sc. 20 sts. to end (total about 44, Doesn't matter)
    These next rows are more like half rows, meaning you will work on one side of the helmet, then come back and do the other.
  11. (this is where it gets tricky)  (Side 1) Keep track of last stitch with marker, Sc. 13, ch. 1, turn and sc back 13 to marker. (13 on this side)
  12. (Side 2) Sc 13, ch 1, turn, sc. back 13 to marker. (13 on this side)
  13. (Side 1) Sc into first 4 sts., dec. into next 2, sc into next 4, dec. into next 2, sc into next (last) st., (there will be 11 sts. on this side now) ch. 1, turn, sc into first 3 sts., dec into next 2, sc into next 3 sts., dec. into next 2, sc into next (last st next to marker) st. (9 on this side)
  14. (Side 2) Sc into first 4 sts., dec. into next 2, sc into next 4, dec. into next 2, sc into next (last) st., (there will be 11 sts. on this side now) ch. 1, turn, sc into first 3 sts., dec into next 2, sc into next 3 sts., dec. into next 2, sc into next (last st next to marker) st. (9 on this side)
  15. (Side 1) Sc into first 2 sts. from marker, dec. next 2 sts., sc into next 2 sts., dec. next 2 sts., sc in next (last) st. (at 7 sts.), ch 1, turn, sc into next st., dec next 2 sts., sc into next st., dec. next 2 sts., sc into next (last stitch next to marker) st. (at 5 sts.)
  16. (Side 2) Sc into first 2 sts. from marker, dec. next 2 sts., sc into next 2 sts., dec. next 2 sts., sc in next (last) st. (at 7 sts.), ch 1, turn, sc into next st., dec next 2 sts., sc into next st., dec. next 2 sts., sc into next (last stitch next to marker) st. (at 5 sts.)
  17. (Side 1) Sc to end (5)
  18. Sc. across (10)
  19. Sc. across (10)
  20. Fasten off
(It's like you are weaving.  You go one way, come back towards the center then go out the other way then back towards the center etc.)
Helmet Decorations: in lighter blue

Long rectangle:
  1. Ch. 17
  2. Sc starting with 2nd st. from hook (16)
  3. Ch. 1, turn, sc across (16)
  4. Fasten off
Small Square:
  1. Ch. 4
  2. Sc starting with 2nd st. from hook (3)
  3. Ch. 1, turn, sc across (3)
  4. Fasten off
Side Circles (make 2):
  1. Magic Ring 6
  2. Inc around (12) 
  3. Sl. st. into first st. and fasten off

Okay, now attach your helmet pieces to your helmet as shown in the picture.  Square front and center.  Long piece behind it.  1 circle on each side.

You can attach the helmet to the head.  I didn't, but it doesn't matter.  I like it that it can come off.

Step 3: Arms and Blaster

Now I did all the extremities first and then the body because I wanted moveable limbs.  If you just want to sew your limbs on, disregard those parts of the directions and make the body parts in any order you want.

Arm, starting with lighter blue:
  1. Magic Ring 4
  2. Sc 2 in each st around (8)
  3. Sc in first st., inc. in next, repeat around (12)
  4. Sc around (12)
  5. Sc around (12)
  6. Sc around (12)
  7. Sc around (12)
  8. Sc around (12)
  9. Sc around (12)
  10. Sc around (12)
  11. Sc around (12)
  12. Sc around (12)
  13. Sc around (12) now switch to darker blue
  14. Sc around (12)
  15. Sc around (12)
  16. Sc around (12)
  17. Sc around (12)
  18. Sc around (12)
  19. Sc around (12)
  20. Sc in first st. dec next 2, repeat around (8)
  21. Dec first two sts., repeat around (4)
  22. Sl. st. close and fasten off
After about the fifth or sixth row, you need to add in your joint which is a button and yarn.  Take a fairly long piece of yarn, maybe a foot.  Thread it through your button.  Now take both strands together and thread it from inside your arm to outside.  I did this on the side where my marker was so the color change would face the body and not be as noticeable.  Do this for both arms.  You should do this early on and not wait until you have reached the end of the arm.  It will be harder then.

The second arm is the same except you do it all in the lighter blue.

Blaster in dark blue:
  1. Magic Ring 5
  2. Inc. around (10)
  3. Sc. around (10)
  4. Inc. around (20)
  5. Sc. in the inside of each stitch around (20) (This will create a ridge around the outside)
  6. Sc. around (20)
  7. Sc. around (20)
  8. Sc. around (20)
  9. Sc. around (20)
  10. Sc. around (20)
  11. Sc. around (20)
  12. Sc. around (20)
  13. Sc. in first 3 sts., dec. next 2, repeat (16)
  14. Sl. st. close and fasten off.
It should fit on the arm nice and snug (maybe a little tight at the 16 stitch end, but that's okay).  Slip it on the arm and you should notice some space between the blaster and the arm.  I shoved a bit of stuffing in there and then when it was nice and bloated, I sewed it on the arm.

Step 4: Legs That Have Feet

To start your legs, take your lighter blue:
(This was my right leg)
  1. Magic Ring of 4
  2. Inc. around (8)
  3. Sc. in first st., inc., repeat around (12)
  4. Sc. in first 3, inc., repeat around (15)
  5. Sc. around (15)
  6. Sc. around (15)
  7. Sc. around (15)
  8. Sc. around (15)
  9. Sc. around (15)
  10. Sc. around (15)
  11. Sc. around (15)
  12. Sc. around (15)  Change to darker blue
  13. Sc. in first 4 sts., inc., repeat (18)
  14. Sc. around (18)
  15. Sc. around (18)
  16. Sc. around (18)
  17. Sc. around (18)
  18. Sc. around (18)
  19. Sc. around (18)
  20. Sc. around (18)
  21. Sc. around (18)  (Time to get complicated again.)
  22. Sc. in first st., inc in next 7 sts., sc. in next 10 sts. (25)
  23. Sc. in first 6 sts., inc. in next 4 sts., sc. in next 15 sts. (29)
  24. Sc. in first 8 sts., inc. in next 4 sts., sc in next 17 sts. (33)
  25. Sc. around (33)
  26. Sc. around (33)
  27. Sc. around (33)
  28. [Dec., sc. in next (3rd) st.], repeat 4 more times, dec. the next 3 sts. together (instead of the normal 2), [sc. in next st., dec.], repeat around (21)
  29. [Dec., sc. in next (3rd) st.], repeat 2 more times, dec. the next 3 sts. together, [sc. in next st., dec.], repeat around (13)
  30. Sc in first st., dec., repeat 3 more times, sc into last st. (9)
  31. Dec. around, sc. into last (5)
  32. Sl. st. to close and fasten off.
For the Left Leg, the first 21 rows were then same and then I switched it up as follows:
  • 22.  Sc. in first 10 sts., inc. in next 7, sc. in last st. (25)
  • 23.  Sc. into first 15 sts., inc. in next 4, sc in last 6 sts. (29)
  • 24.  Sc. into first 17 sts., inc in next 4, sc in last 8 sts. (33)
  • 25.  Sc. around (33)
  • 26.  Sc. around (33)
  • 27.  Sc. around (33)
  • 28.  [Dec. in first st., sc. into next] repeat 6 more times, dec. the next 3 sts. together (instead of the normal 2), [sc. in next st., dec next st.] repeat around (21)
  • 29.  [Dec. in first st., sc. into next], repeat 3 more times, sc. into next st., dec the next 3 sts. together, sc into next st., dec next, dec. last, (13)
  • 30.  [Sc in first st., dec. into next], repeat 3 more times, sc into last (9)
  • 31.  Dec. around, sc into last (5)
Don't forget to put your buttons in your legs before the end.  You can do it right away, or you can do it when you finish row 24, but don't wait any longer than that.  The photos 9 -15 show how to put the botton on if you waited until you were almost done with the let.

You can do both legs the same if you want.  I didn't because I wanted the color changes to face in towards the body.

Step 5: Body (while Attaching Limbs)

It is time to crochet the body.  Get out your darker blue:
  1. Magic Ring 6
  2. Inc. around (12)
  3. Sc. in first st., inc., repeat (18)
  4. Sc. in first 2 sts., inc., repeat around (24)
  5. Sc. around (24)
  6. Sc. around (24)
  7. Sc. in first 3 sts., inc., repeat around (30)
  8. Sc. in first 2 sts., inc., repeat around (40) 
  9. Sc. in first 7 sts., inc., repeat around (45)
  10. Sc. around (45)
  11. Sc. around (45) switch to lighter blue
  12. Sc. around (45)
  13. Sc. around (45)
  14. Sc. around (45)
  15. Sc. around (45)
  16. Sc. around (45)
  17. Sc. around (45)
  18. Sc. around (45)
  19. Sc. in first 7 sts., dec., repeat around (40)
  20. Sc. around (40)
  21. Sc. in first 6 sts., dec., repeat around (35)
  22. Sc. around (35)
  23. Sc. in first 5 sts., dec., repeat around (30)
  24. Sc. around (30)
  25. Sc. in first 4 sts., dec., repeat around (25)
  26. Sc. in first 3 sts., dec., repeat around (20)
  27. Sc. in first 2 sts., dec., repeat around (15)
  28. Sc. in first 2 sts., dec., repeat around (12)
  29. Sc. around (12)
  30. Sl. st. closed and fasten off.
So, as you go you will need to attach your limbs.  There wasn't a specific row I attached them to, just wherever they fit snug.  The legs should go on around where you repeated rows of 24 stitches.  Put them on after you switch to the light blue.  Putting on the arms is tough.  You have to wait so you get them high enough, but once they are on, it is a pain to finish crocheting, but that is the way it goes.

Follow along in the photos (and the notes in them) to see how to attach limbs.

Step 6: Put Your Head On! and Give Him a Face

Your Mega man needs a face.  He just does.  You can do it however you want.  Here is what I did.

  1. Magic Ring of 4 in black
  2. Change color to white and inc. around (12)
  3. Sl. st. closed and fasten off.
Now attach them to the head.  I had to tuck all those lose strings behind and used one of the white ones to tie the eye on.  Looks alright, right?

  1. Thread your needle and double over the yarn.
  2. Chain stitch as seen here.  I only did about 4 or 5 stitches.
  3. I did this because it gave a nice full mouth, but do it however you feel comfortable.
You can do the face whenever you want.  I couldn't decide how so it was the last thing I did.  I'm happy with how the eyes turned out though.

Step 7: He's Done!

Now play with him!  

Step 8: Tips and How to Move a Button After It Is Too Late

So you are going to put on your legs, but you don't like where the button is in the leg.  What do you do!?!  You move it.

Here is how I moved it because we make mistakes and we fix them.
  1. Thread the two strands onto your needle.  
  2. Hold the strands out of the way and thread the needle in where they are coming out.
  3. Poke the needle out where you want the button to now be.
  4. Pull the needle all the way through and coax the button to shift a bit inside of the limb.
  5. Pull the yarn tight and you are set.

This was my first attempt at making up a crochet pattern, so there are things to think about if you want to recreate it.

The limbs are moveable, but they are just held on by yarn.  Don't swing him around by the arm or it will probably break.  To try to make it stronger an option is to thread two strands of yarn through the button in the first place and strengthen the connection.  It will be harder to thread it through the button holes though.

I got funny ridges on the back of the helmet, I think I know what went wrong.  I believe you need to crochet sort of like you are doing it left-handed when you go backwards, but I am not sure.  Something to keep in mind while doing the helmet.

If i were to do it again, I think I would do another row or two of 12 at the top of the body so there is more of a neck.

If something sounds funny in my directions.  Let me know.  It could be wrong.  It's how we learn!

That's all!  He's pretty cool, other than those couple things!