Introduction: Memorizing Puzzle Game
For this instructable I show you how to make a simple memorizing puzzle game with an Arduino Uno.
I will show how to make this project in 3 easy steps.
But first and foremost, make sure you have the following supplies.
- Arduino Uno
- 4 * 220 Ohms resistor
- 4 * 10k Ohms resistor
- 4 different colored LEDs
- 4 pushbuttons
- A bunch of wires
Step 1: Wiring Everything Up
The first step is to setup the connections with the breadboard and Arduino. The pictures should be use as a guide for this step. There are different angle shots to help.
Place the leds on the breadboard.
Then connect a 220 ohm resistor on the positive leg of each led.
Connect the 4 resistors to the pins 5 to 8 of the Arduino using wires
Place the pushbuttons on the breadboard.
Then connect a wire to a leg of the pushbutton and to the positive row of the breadboard. To this for each of them.
Add a wire to the positive row and connect it to the 5v pin of the Arduino.
Then connect a 10K Ohms resistor to one of the legs of each pushbutton.
Connect the other end or those resistors to the GND of the breadboard.
Then connect a wire in parallel to the pushbuton and the 10k ohm.
Connect these 4 wires to the pins 9 to 12 of the Arduino.
* Connect the leds and pushbuttons in order (far left led to pin 8, and far right to 5) (far left button to pin 12 and far right to 9)
* preferably use the same color of wires for the leds and another color for the pushbuttons to avoid confusion
*Careful not to connect the pushbottons on the same rows as the leds on the breadboard.
Step 2: Upload the Code
Next up is to connect your Arduino Uno to your computer and to upload the code.
Step 3: Try It Out
Now that the code is uploaded, try it out!
It's a simple game, tweek it to make it more to your liking!
Hope you found this instructable interesting!