Introduction: Message Skulls

About: Hi! I like making random stuff.

Clay skulls-- smash them against a wall and read the message inside!

Really easy. Takes only about 9 minutes to make one, plus time for the clay to dry.

I named the smallest one Voldemort, the medium one Troller, and the biggest one Mesmer.

Voldemort drew the short straw & got smashed. Please vote for this Instructable to express approval/condolences. :)

Step 1: Getting Started


- lump of air-dry clay

- a couple Post-It notes or a scrap of paper

- pen

- water (optional)

1. Roll the lump of clay into a rough ball.

2. Write something on your piece of paper and crumple it up.

3. Wrap more paper around your paper ball until it's about the same size as the clay ball.

Keep in mind: the thicker the clay is, the harder it is to break.

4. Use your thumb to make an indent inside the clay ball, and shape it into a rough bowl.

5. Put the paper inside the clay, and squish excess clay over the opening.

Next step is how to make the clay into a skull. I'm sure you could also make it into a bunny or turtle or something; that's up to you.

Step 2: Shaping the Skull

I added notes to the pictures; the arrows point where to squish.

v = down, ^ = up, -> = left, <- = right, o = direct poke, s = smooth.

And by the way, these skulls are probably tremendously biologically inaccurate. But close enough.

Step 3: Breaking It!

Wait for the skull to dry completely. Depending on the type of clay you used, it might take up to 24 hours.

Then smash it against a wall and read the hidden message!

I was actually too impatient to wait for it to dry, so I just cut poor Voldy open.

And... yeah.

That's all.