Introduction: Microscope JIG for Phone Camera

About: architect and industrial designer. //view portfolio:

Items required:

1) pocket microscope (from online store or stationery shop)

2) paper clip (large enough to conceal the phone camera)

3) vernier calipers

4) drilling machine

Step 1: Measure Eye Piece's Outer Diametre

Step 2: Drill Hole on Paper Clip

1) let the hole be at the end of the paper clip

2) drill hole about 1mm less than eyepiece' dia to enable tight fit

3) chose drill bit of size about 1.5mm less than the diameter of the eye piece to accommodate the wobble while drilling

4) file the hole if necessary

Step 3: Fit the Microscope on to the Clip

Step 4: Clip the Jig to the Phone

Step 5: Take Awesome Microscopic Photographs and Videos