Introduction: Mind-Controlled Car
These instructions specify how to create a car controlled by using your attention. Electroencephalography (EEG) headsets measure the electrical current in the brain, from which it formulates various variables. Currently, the majority of EEG headset measure attention, meditation, and blinking. You can modify the code to support blinking and meditation, but this version uses only attention.
I am 13years old now but have been a maker for the last 6 years. I was 12 when this was built (end of last year). I believe this will be an excellent summer project for young Makers. Children will learn how to modify and upload code. They will learn how to connect boards, AT commands, and working with new technologies like EEG. This can be done as a team project, as my friend created the 3D model shown and shared here. With the code and AT commands attached and explained,
- Mindwave Mobile 2 EEG headset
- Arduino UNO R3
- Relay
- 2 Servo Motors
- HC-05 Module
- Potentiometer
- Wheels
- 7V battery pack
- 20 Wires
Step 1: Step 1: Design/Creating the Base
The design of the base is an important aspect of the vehicle. You can create the base out of most rigid materials. Design the base to have lodgings for 2-4 motors/wheels. Make sure to keep space for the Arduino UNO, the HC-05, the driver, and the power source. Creating small sub-sections protects and holds the items in place. Creating two levels avoids cramping.
Step 2: Step 2: Attaching Boards
This step is relatively simple. Attach the boards to their allotted slots in the base. Use any adhesive substance, e.g. glue, duct tape, blue tac etc.
Step 3: Step 3 - Wiring
After creating the base, wiring is the next step. Here is the list of wire connections:
HC-05 - Arduino Uno:
- State - Nothing
- RXD - Pin 12
- TXD -Pin 10
- GND - Ground
- VCC - Power
Arduino - Relay
- 6,11,9,8,7,5 - Input
- GND, Power - GND - Power
Relay - Motor
- Out1 - Ground/Power Motor 1
- Out4 - Ground/Power Motor 2
Potentiometer - Arduino
- Power-Power
- Programmable - A0
Step 4: Step 4: Pairing of HC-05 to EEG Headset
This step is paring the Bluetooth module to the headset. Connect the module to your computer as a serial connection, then use a serial com to program these at commands:
1. AT+NAME=”EEGCAR” This command defines the name of the module
2. AT+UART=”57600,0,0” This command defines the baud rate for talking with the headset
3. AT+ROLE=”1” This command sets the role of the module to being Master
4. AT+PSWD=”1234” This command sets the password to “1234”
5. AT+CMODE=”0” This command sets the slave
6. AT+BIND=”0081F9128CF9” This command binds the module with the headset using it’s unique pin ( Locate the pin by connecting the headset to a phone/computer and looking through the device details )
7. AT+IAC=”9E8B33” This command inquires the access code
8. AT+CLASS=”0” This sets the bluetooth type to be special, making it quicker for the device to connect
9. AT+INQM=”1,9,48” This sets parameters for pairing, E.G. maximum length of pairing, stops pairing once more than 9 devices are found, etc.
Step 5: Step 5: Code
Copy and paste the code in this link to Arduino IDE, then verify and upload it:
( I cant directly paste the code here for it removes parts of it )
Step 6: Step 6: Completion
Merely turn on the car and the headset and they should automatically connect. Once you place the headset in the right position, just try to concentrate. It may take longer depending on the person ( Not because you have less things going on in your head, its just that everyone's brain is different and it takes longer for the headset to pick up readings for some people )