Introduction: MineCraft Cake

About: Newbie cake decorator since July 2012..self taught through YouTube and Internet, Pinterest, and imagination. Happily married for 23 yrs with 3 children ages 22 down to 7....huge OU Sooners fan...
I made this cake for my son's 7th birthday..very very easy to make. 2 boxes of chocolate cake mix-or make your own 1 batch of rice Krispy treat Butter cream icing tinted green Icing bag Grass tip Blue jello Large base to sit cake on. I use the board used for craft projects found by the poster board these are cheap and can be found at Walmart.

Step 1: MineCraft Characters

The 1st part is to make your figures. I am a self taught decorator only started decorating this year and these little guys were easy..they are just blocks of colored fondant glued together with a little water. Use a small paint brush that you only use for food to ad the water with. Set out to dry.

Step 2: Basic Shape of Design

Sorry don't have a picture of before the decorations were applied but you can see that the cake is just blocks stacked. I say down and drew out my design on paper first the once I was satisfied I began cutting out blocks in my cake. The bottom layer is one whole piece of cake with the top layers being the cut out portions positioned to look like a pyramid. Add buttercream icing between each layer of cake. Next do the same with your rice Krispy treat. These are the sand. Remember to leave a cut out open space for the water. This is done by making blue jello.

Step 3: Adding Water and Grass

Once your cake shape is put together you need to add your water. I put down a piece of wax paper covered in white buttercream in the space the jello was to sit. This gave a really cool look to the water effect I was going for. Next take the tinted green frosting put into a pastry bad fitted with the grass tip and begin to add grass to top and around the border of your cake.

Step 4: Final Step Add Your Figures

Easiest step of all, add your figures. I only chose to make a few due to having three birthday cake in a three day period, you can make as many as you want. Place around your cake..I inserted a small Popsicle stick into the bottom of each if my figured so that they did not sink down into my cake. Toothpicks would work as well. My son loved it. I want to give credit to every person who put tutorials up in YouTube and Internet. Without them I would never have learn the joy of cake decorating.