Introduction: Minecraft ACSS*


() 2 Chests

() 2 Hoppers

() 1 Furnace

() 1 Item to smelt/cook

*Automatic Cooker/Smelter

Step 1: Find a Location to Put the ACS ( in a 5x5x1 Area (1 Block Length & Width 1 Block Depth))

Super simple :)

( in a 5x5x1 Area (1 Block Length & Width 1 Block Depth ))

Step 2: Go to the Middle Row and Go Up and the Fifth Block, Place a Chest

Step 3: Go 2 Blocks Below and Place a Furnace

Step 4: Place a Hopper Between the Chest and Furnace

( Make sure it is linked to the furnace or it will not function properly )

Step 5: Go to the Bottom Block, and Place a Chest.

Step 6: Go Above the Bottom Chest and Place a Hopper.

From here it is pretty strait forward

( Also make sure it is linked to the bottom chest or it will not function properly )