Introduction: Minecraft Slime Rocket

List of things needed to build the slime rocket

  • Minecraft version 1.8 or higher
  • 3x Block of Iron
  • 2x Normal Piston
  • 3x Slime Block
  • 1x Sticky Piston
  • 3x Block of Redstone

Step 1: Start Building

I will let the pictures do most of the talking

First put a Block of Iron on the floor

Then put a normal piston on the block of Iron

Remove the block of Iron

Place a slime Block on the normal piston

Now build two blocks of Iron on the slime block

Remove the Iron block above the slime Block

Only one iron block,two blocks above the slime Block is left

Now put a sticky piston upside down under the block of Iron so that it's head is on the slime Block

Remove Iron block above the sticky piston and replace it with a normal piston facing upwards

Now add a Block of slime on the normal piston

The lowest slime Block must get two other slime Blocks at its side with two blocks of Redstone on top

Add another slime Block with a redstone block on top to the side of the highest slime block

If you don't understand please look at the next steps picture

Step 2: Finished

The slime rocket in action!!!