Introduction: Mini Attiny Board *updated* With Programmation
Since several month i read forum about Attiny and Arduino .
It's a great platform for MAKER
So i decide to make my own board for Attiny85.
It's a low cost version of Arduino
Step 1: The Shema
I made the shematic with Eagle
Step 2: The PCB
I ordered PCB with OSH Park
they make a good job
for less $9.00 you have 3 board with free shipping.
the direct link :
Step 3: List Part
Step 4: Link
Step 5: Program the Board
My experience:
to program the board you need an arduino uno R3
First Connect the attinyboard isp header on the Arduino board
- MISO on pin 12 arduino
- SCK on pin 13 arduino
- RESET on pin 10 arduino
- MOSI on pin 11 arduino
- Vcc on +5v
- Ground on ground (!!!)
upload the sketch " arduinoisp" on your arduino board
select the good board and port for that.
now your arduino is as ISP
Change the board to attiny
Upload your sketch or for example the Blink sketch
Enjoy !
A good tuto here :
New project : make an adapter to program the board with arduino
Step 6: To Be Continued !
It's my first instructable
The next step :
make a Lipo charger with smd : The board is ordering:
perhaps with a solder stencil :