Introduction: Mini EDC Utility Kit

About: I have many things, tools, and weapons that would be useful in the zombie apocalypse. If you love zombies an survival, follow my account and my YouTube: masonbaack
The kit put together and wrapped up with tape, rubber bands, and a pencil.

Step 1: Outside Pieces

Tape, rubber bands, and pencil. Also the kit.

Step 2: Inside Contents

Birds eye view of the top of the kit. All of the inner tools are visible.

Step 3: Fish Hook

Just a small fish hook that could be useful if you find some fishing line.

Step 4: Wire

Plastic or paper coated wire will do. You can use the paper to burn and the wire could be used for many things.

Step 5: Aluminum Foil

It is shiny so you could use it to signal. Many other uses for aluminum foil.

Step 6: Fire

8 strike on anything matches and 1 regular. Also a striker if the solid places you would strike the matches is wet.

Step 7: Bandage

4 normal sized bandages with cotton in the middle. The cotton could be used for tinder or healing small wounds. I folded the bandages up so they would fit better.

Step 8: Snare Wire

The wire I had earlier is almost useless compared to this. This is 10 feet of stainless snare wire. Great for making traps or even cooking if you needed to.

Step 9: All of the Contents

This is all of the contents laid out. If you want to replicate this kit, here is everything. I hope you make this kit or something like it.

Step 10: Bobby Pin

Forgot the bobby pin. Sorry, but this has many uses.