Introduction: Mini LED Flashlight
This project was created for YuKonstruct's first Build Night.
YuKonstruct is the first makerspace in Canada's north. Our mission is to provide access to shared space, quality tools, available expertise, and a collaborative environment to help makers build anything!
This little flashlight that you can keep on your keychain was created in collaboration with licheness
Step 1: Gather Your Materials
You'll need:
- coin battery
- small button
- hot glue gun and glue sticks
- needle and thread
- scissors
- small pliers
- felt or duffle fabric
- key ring
- coin larger than your battery and pen to trace circles (optional)
Step 2: Cut the Felt
Cut out three felt circles about the size of a loonie (a Canadian $1 coin slightly larger than the battery).
In the middle of one circle, cut a 1/4" hole.
Step 3: Add the LED and Battery
Using small pliers, carefully bend the end of each LED lead (the metal ends) to make a half curl.
Place the battery on the felt circle (with the hole) sandwiching the battery and felt between the LED leads.
Place one lead on top of the felt and across the middle of the hole. The other lead lies directly on the battery. Keep positive-to-positive and negative-to-negative (longer lead is positive, look for + sign on battery). To confirm the polarity, test LED by pushing down on the felt side lead until it touches battery (the light should come on).
Using a glue gun, tack the LED lead (on the battery side) in place with a little bit of glue. The lead should lie across the middle of the battery and the glue should be closer to the curl end of the lead (away from the middle) so that it does not interfere with the switch.
Step 4: Sew It Together
Sew the button in the middle of the second felt circle.
Make a sandwich: button felt circle on top; felt circle with hole, battery side down (lead runs directly across the middle of the hole with the LED bulb sticking out one side); remaining felt circle goes on the bottom. Push down on the button to test your positioning and adjust if needed.
Sew your sandwich together using a blanket stitch, working your way around the edge and sewing through all three pieces of felt while keeping the pieces aligned. Tie off.
Step 5: Add Key Ring
If you are adding a key ring, attach it to the side opposite the LED bulb, looping your thread back and forth through the ring and back through the edge of the felt 5 or 6 times keeping your threads close together. Tie off.
Ta-da, you are done! Turn on the flashlight by pressing down on the button.