Introduction: Mini Lego USS Titan

About: Cosplayer and artist, i also enjoy making neat stuff out of Legos. You can follow me on Twitter (@TheMagicalMark) to check out more of my artwork.
This will show you how to make a Lego model of the USS Titan from Star Trek. (also in RTS video game Armada II)

The steps are in the photos, the parts you need to add are highlighted.

Includes optional stand.

See also:

Step 1: Pieces.

Here are the parts you'll need to make this.

Step 2: The Head.

First is the head part of the ship.

Step 3: The Main Body.

Now the main body of the ship

Step 4: Thrusters.

Next the two thrusters.

Make two of these.

Step 5: Stand.

Here build the stand.  This is optional.