Introduction: Mini Paper Fortune Teller
Mini paper fortune teller
A sticky note that is folded into a fortune teller.
A Medium size sticky note
Step 1: Take Post-it
Get a medium or small size post-it for the mini paper fortune teller.
Can also use large paper, just need to make a square shape first and trim off access.
Step 2: Fold in Half for One Corner
Fold with the sticky side down, it's easier.
Step 3: Open Up Again
Step 4: Fold the Other Corner
Step 5: Open Up Again
Should have two lines in "X" formation.
Step 6: Fold 1/4 Small Corner to Meet in Middle.
Flip the post-it so the sticky side is up.
Step 7: Fold All 4 Corners
All corners should meet in the middle.
Step 8: Flip the Post-it Over
Step 9: Fold 1/4 Corner Again.
Step 10: Fold All 4 Corners
Step 11: Flip the Post-it Again
Step 12: Fold in Half
Does matter what side you fold in half for this step.
After you fold in half, start lifting all edges.