Introduction: Mini Stereo Amplifier
Hello everyone, I'm back again with my new electronics projects!. In this Instructables i will show you how to build a MINI STEREO AMPLIFIER from a cheap parts. The cost is under 5 $ !!.
This amplifier is mini size, so you can place this in your pocket, wallet, or bag. This amplifier is portable, so you can use this anywhere, anytime or even anyplace. You just connect the speaker to this amplifier and Voila!, the sound is powerfull!!
No more talking, Lets Build it!!
Step 1: You Will Need:
- PAM 8403
- A Case (i using old voltmeter case)
- Usb male
- 3.5mm stereo Audio jack
- 2 RCA socket (Red and Black)
- Some wire
- Glue, I'am using Epoxy glue
- Soldering iron
- Sandpaper
- Knife or scissors
Step 2: Make the Case
- Specify the location for the PAM 8403, RCA socket, USB, and Audio jack
- Next, i make a hole using my soldering iron for the RCA socket
- For make a hole for USB, i'am using knife to make the hole
- Next, i take sandpaper and make the case soft using this.
Step 3: Gluing Time
- Because i'am using epoxy glue, i need to mix the two parts.
- Next, insert the RCA socket into the hole that you made (Black left and Right red) and glue it. Wait until 5 minutes or more to make the epoxy dry.
- After finish gluing the RCA socket, take the USB, glue it, and place it to the hole for USB.
- Wait until the glue dry.
If the glue is dry, insert RCA socket to the hole that you made. next, we need to solder the all parts to make the amplifier. OK lets solder it.
Step 4: Solder All of the Parts
The circuit is like this:
- Input audio (White = Left, Yellow = Gnd, Red = Right)
- Input power (Black = negative, Red = positive), USB (Left corner is positive and Right corner is negative)
- Audio output left (Black = negative, Red = positive)
- Audio output right (Black = negative, Red = positive)
Solder all of the circuit. I recommend you to use small cables, because the case is small, so the cables fit to the inside of the case. After you finish solder the circuit, lets finish this
Step 5: Almost Done
After you finish soldering the circuit, next insert all of the circuit to the case, and close the case. I'am using cardboard to close the back of the case, but you can use plastic or anything. After all, now your Mini Stereo Amplifier is finish and ready to test it.
How to test this??
- Insert the USB to Dc 5v adaptor and connect this to electricity in your home;
- Insert the audio jack to your phone,
- Take you speaker and connect it to RCA socket (black is left speaker and red is right speaker),
- After that, Play any music on your phone
- And the sound is Very Goood!!!
And now you have your Mini Stereo Amplifier.
Thanks for look my work. I hope you like this.
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