Introduction: Miraculous Solar Charged Water

NOTE: THIS IS NEITHER A SUBSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL ADVICE NOR ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE. Solar charged water is a fortunate discovery, it balances the elements, supports and structures the body's natural mechanism, making us feel fitter than ever. It uses the sun's rays to charge water, capturing its multitudinous properties in a bottle of water. The sun's rays are split into the spectrum of colors giving us Blue, Green, Clear, and Orange water - each unique and having miraculous therapeutic properties. They have the potential to help cure a vast array of diseases or otherwise, to keep you fit and charged all day long. When unwell, use these in conjunction with your meds to heal faster and better.

Step 1: The Basics

1) A clean glass bottle with a cork top or a plastic cap. It may be clear or a shade of blue or of green or orange/yellow/brown.
2) Colored cellophane - blue/green/yellow (in case you don't have a colored glass bottle. Wrap the clear bottle in the choice of cellophane - a single sheet doubled)
3) Clean filtered water or clear boiled water.
4) Access to a sunny spot in your house.

1) Fill the bottle upto 2/3rd with water.
2) Put on the cap, make sure it fits snugly.
3) Keep it in the sunny spot atop a wooden platform/pc.of wood or a stack of newspapers.
4) Leave it out for atleast 6 hours making sure no shadow falls upon the bottles and take the bottles in just before sunset or before the cold sets in.
Tip: You'll know that it's ready when you see condensed water droplets on the empty part of the bottle.
5) Store preferably on a wooden platform when indoors & avoid contact with metal.

Step 2: Green Water

It is neutral, harmonising, eliminating, & a blood purifier. Useful in diseases resulting from free radicals and toxin buildup in the body. Mentally it keeps people happy and helps get rid of vices such as jealousy. It regulates the balance of orange and blue water.

4 tsp. for kids a d 8 tsp. for adults 1/2 an hour to 1 hour before meals on an empty stomach. Use for 3 days to 3 weeks or till symptoms subside.

Useful for :
High blood pressure
Heart ailments
Fever - all kinds
Kidney stones
Eye ailments - from myopia and sty to cataract
Allergic reactions
Measles and other such diseases
Chapped lips
Skin diseases
Dry rough skin

Deficiency causes:
Various skin diseases
Blood diseases.

Step 3: Orange/Brown Water

Properties: Heating, Stimulating Tonic and Expanding. Specially beneficial in maladies resulting from cold eg.cold in winters. Mentally, it boosts courage, energy and willpower .

Usage method:
4 tsp. for kids a d 8 tsp. for adults 15minutes after a meal, but within 1/2 an hour. Use for 3 days to 3 weeks or till symptoms subside.

Useful for:
Iodine & haemoglobin deficiency
Healthy Muscles
Improved digestion
Low blood pressure
Muscle pain and spasms
Loss of voice (dumbness)
Stiff limbs
Cracked heels
Cervical Spondylitis
Stiff neck
Joint pain
Cold, Flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, cough etc.
Feeling of excessive cold, shivering
Any intestinal malady

Deficiency of the same causes:
loss of appetite
feeling cold
bluing of nails

It should not be used excessively or for long periods of time. Also do not use when using blue water.
Excessive consumption is countered by intake of green water

Step 4: Blue Water

Cooling, soothing, contracting and anti-sceptic. It strengthens the nervous system. Beneficial in brain diseases and maladies resulting from heat. Mentally, it combats tension, increases concentration and spiritual wellbeing

4 tsp. for kids a d 8 tsp. for adults 1/2 an hour to 1 hour before meals on an empty stomach. Use for 3 days to 3 weeks or till symptoms subside.

Useful for :
Oral problems eg.gums, teeth etc.
Sore throat
Any type of cough
Bad breath
Wounds on feet

Deficiency of the same causes:
Difficulty in urination
Stiff neck
Hair loss

It should not be used excessively or for long periods of time and when suffering from illnesses caused due to cold. Also do not use when using orange/brown water.
Excessive consumption is countered by intake of brown/orange water.

Step 5: Clear Water

It is a tonic, fortified by calcium. Purified by the sun's rays, it is free from bad elements. It is specially beneficial for fractures. Fractures that heal in months, heal within weeks. Also in weakness.

1/4th cup four times a day.
For teething troubles, 2tsp. 4-6 times a day for infants.

It should not be used excessively or for long periods of time.