Introduction: Mix&Cheers
Many are tired of paying a lot of money for a small drink at the bars.
They would like to make their own cocktail night with friends, but they don't have the skills of cocktails mixing or they just want to enjoy the evening instead of mixing drinks for others.
To make this possible or easier for many people, I made a Smart cocktails mixer.
This device can make cocktails by mixing up to four ingredients together at the same time.
The user can customize it to make many drinks.
You control everything online via a website where you can customize all ingredients and cocktails.
User can see the current volume of the ingredients.
Hardware components
- Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 2GB
- Raspberry PI T-cobbler
- Case with fan and power charger for RPI
- 5v 8 or 4 relay channel module
- 12V Switching Power Supply
- Power cable
- 4 Peristaltic Pumps
- Led strip
- MicroSd 16GB
- Ultrasonic sensor
- Waterproof DS18B20
- 4 Breadboards
- LCD 16*2
- Potentiometer
Case Components
- MDF 2.5 mm for front panel and shelf for electronics.
- Wood beam (18mm*18mm)
- Wood Screws
- 2 Door hinges
- Metal corners
- Food Grade Silicone Tubing 2mm Inner Diameter
Small kitchen closet from Ikea
Hand tools
- Hand Drill
- Wood Saw
- Soldering iron
- Stationery knife
- Double face tape
Step 1: Front Panel and Shelf
We start by measuring and drawing the needed lines on the MDF .
Front panel (door)
- front panel (290mm/360mm)
- 3 cm from the top, in the center of the panel, we draw a rectangle the size of our LCD display.
- We cut the rectangle and try the LCD, if it is ok then we paint it.
- We screw the door hinges on the panel and closet so we can open it
- We cut 2 pieces of our wood beam each 230mm
- Then we screw them inside the closet under the top 200mm on each side.
- then we screw an MDF plate (360mm*360mm) on them
- add some metal corner to be sure
- shelf is ready
Back panel
In my closet there is a back panel with an opening (hole) for cable .
Step 2: The Schematics
First of all, lets see on this schematic what we will do.
Step 3: Wiring the 12V Switching Power Supply
First thing we should wire and test the 12V Switching Power Supply
- We cut the end of the power cable
- there are 3 wires (live, natural, earth) we connect them to our power supply, and this is our input.
- Power supply has 2 outputs, we choose one and connect it to a breadboard (lets name it 12v breadboard).
- we measure the output volts, if its 12v so we connected everything right
Step 4: Connect the Pumps
- Connect the + of the pump to NO of relay
- Connect the - of each pump direct to - of the 12v power supply
- Connect the + of the 12v power supply to the COM of the relay of each pump.
- Connect the VCC of the relay to 5v to extern 5v power
- Connect the GND of the extern 5v power to GND of RPI
- Connect the GND of the relay to GND of the extern power
- Connect the INT (pump) of the relay to diffirent GPIO pins
Check the schematics for visual details.
Step 5: Connect LCD
We will connect the LCD in 4-bits modus.
- Connect RS, E, D4, D5, D6, D7 to different GPIO pins.
- Connect VSS, RW to GND
- Connect VDD to 5v extern power
- Connect V0 to the middle(second) pin of potentiometer
- Connect the first pin of potentiometer to +5v and to LED+
- Connect the third pin of potentiometer to GND and to LED-
Check the schematics for visual details.
Step 6: Connect Ultrasonic Sensor
Check the schematics for visual details.
- Connect the VCC to +5v of extern power
- Connect the GND to GND of RPI
- Connect trigger to GPIO pin
- Connect echo via voltage divider (330ohm and 470ohm) to GND
- Connect echo to GPIO pin
Step 7: Connect Temperature Sensor
Check the schematics for visual details.
- Connect VDD to 3.3v of the RPI
- Connect GND to GND of RPI
- Connect DQ via resistor (4.7k ohm or 5k ohm) to 3.3v of the RPI
- Connect DQ to GPIO pin 4 (you should activate the on-wire bus on raspberry RPI first)
Step 8: Connect LDR and LED Strip
To read LDR value, we should connect it to RPI via MCP3008
- Connect LDR to +5v extern power via 10k ohm resistor and to channel0 on mcp3008
- Connect LDR to GND
- Connect VDD, VREF to +5v extern power
- Connect AGND, DGND to GND
- Connect CLK to GPIO pin 11
- Connect DATA out to GPIO pin 09
- Connect DATA in to GPIO pin 10
- Connect CS/SHDN to GPIO pin 8
Step 9: Preparing RPI (activate Spi, One-wire Bus)
We should activate
- spi for mcp3008
- one-wire bus for temperature sensor
Step 10: Database
- connect to the raspberry RPI, and create the database.
- Creat after that 2 vies as on picture (its easier for our code)