Introduction: Mjölnir Plush

About: My name is Britt Michelsen. I am a chemical engineer from Germany especially interested in computational fluid dynamics. To balance all the theoretical work, I like to make stuff in my free time

In this instructable I am going to show you how to make your own plush that looks like Thors hammer Mjölnir.
I have seen quite a few Mjölnir toys, but they were either 3D printed or made from wood. As a new mom, seeing how my three month old would bang around his toys, often hitting himself in the face, I just didn't feel comfortable handing him a hard hammer. Also since he chews on everything, I didn't like the idea of giving him anything 3D printed due to the additives in the filament.

I decided to sew him a Mjölnir plush and he absolutely loves it. To this day (at nine months old) it is one of his favorite toys.

I designed it so that it can be created entirely in a hoop of an embroidery machine. In order to recreate it, you don't need to have any sewing skills since the machine will do everything for you.

Step 1: The Design

I wanted to use the original hammer design from Journey into Mystery #83. Luckily I was able to find a high-resolution image in the Marvel Fair Use database. The only major change I had to make was to shorten the handle since it is quite long in the original design.

This was the first time I designed such a complex embroidery file and as you can see in the third image, I went through quite a few changes. Especially because I was struggling with the handle. I used braided yarn for the pommel first, but my son managed to destroy it pretty quickly, so I decided to make it out of fabric instead.

Step 2: Stuff You Need

The file size of the rattle is slightly smaller than 160 mm x 128 mm. So your embroidery machine needs to be able to handle at least this size.

The things you need are:

  • Tear-away stabilizer
    • The same size as your embroidery hoop
  • Wash away stabilizer
    • two times at least: 90 mm x 140 mm
  • Light gray plush (I used 1.5 mm pile length)
    • two times at least: 90 mm x 140 mm
  • Brown jersey (I used a weight of 220 g/m²)
    • two times: 90 mm x 45 mm
    • two times 80 mm x 20 mm
  • Thread: I used black cotton thread no. 50
  • Fiberfill
  • Rattle (I used one of the bigger one from this set)
  • Sharp small scissors


  • Tape
  • Fabric turning tube

Make sure that the fabrics are safe to use for baby toys and can be washed.


Step 3: Getting Started

Hoop your Stabilizer. You will have to start with the file "Part00".

As you can see in the images, the first stitch is a placement stitch.

Once you have run it, place the 90 mm x 140 mm grey plush as well as the stabilizer onto it. Make sure to cover it entirely. I suggest reducing your embroidery speed.

The next stitch secures the plush and the stabilizer. Then the lines are being embroidered. If you want you can increase the speed before that.

Step 4: Securing the Handle

Next, we are going to secure the handle. The file includes a placement stitch, as shown in the first image.

Line up one of the brown 90 mm x 45 mm jersey pieces with the placement stitch as shown in the second image. Make sure that it is facing the wrong side up.

Run the next step to hold the handle in place.

Step 5: Finish

Now you will have to fold the fabric down and carefully run the next stitch to hold it in place. If you don't want to hold the fabric with your finger, use a piece of tape.

Once the fabric is secured, the next stitch will add the decorative pattern to the handle.

Step 6: The Pommel

The next stitch is once again a placement stitch. Once it has been stitched you will have to place your two smaller brown jersey pieces on top of it, as shown in the first picture. Some tape might help to hold them down. Make sure that the right side is facing the middle.

Now unhoop your stabilizer and tear it away from the smaller piece (don't tear it away from the rest yet!!).

Cut around the thread leaving only a few millimeters, as shown in the third image.

I used a turning tool, to turn the fabric, but a straw and a skewer will work just fine.

Step 7: Finishing the First Side

Cutaway the excess fabric from the top of the handle as shown in the first picture.

Now carefully cut (don't tear) along the seam. Try to cut as close to it as possible.

Step 8: The Second Side

Now we will move on to the second side.

Once again start by hooping the stabilizer. The first stitch is once again a placement stitch. Place the plush and the wash away stabilizer on top of it and secure it with the next stitch (I suggest reducing the speed).

Next, the text will be stitched.

Step 9: Secure the Handle

Now it is time for the second side of the handle.

Once again a placement stitch is stitched first. After it is finished place the brown fabric onto it (wrong side up) and use the next stitch to secure it in place. Fold the fabric down and use the next stitch to hold it in place.

Now it is once again time for the decorative stitch on the handle.

Step 10: Attach the First Side

Start by once again cutting away the excess fabric from the top of the handle as shown in the first picture.

Next place the first side onto the second side.

I was having problems to properly align the whole side at once so I decided to add two stitches to the handle first.

It will start with a stitch holding the right side of the handle in place. Fold it open to make sure that your placement is right. If it isn't and it bothers you, you can unpick it and try again.

Afterwards, the second side of the handle will be secured.

Step 11: Finishing the Embroidery

Place the smaller piece we made before into the handle as shown in the first picture.

Finish the embroidery by running the last stitch. It will go around the whole hammer and secure everything in place.

Step 12: Turning the Fabric

Unhoop everything and tear away the stabilizer.

Cut into the corners so that it looks better once it is turned.

Now you can turn the fabric. Turning the handle is a bit tricky. I used a pen and went bit by bit.

Step 13: Finish the Rattle

Now it is time to stuff the plush.

Make sure that the handle is stuffed really well. I used a skewer to compress the fiberfill. The first hammer, I made had too little stuffing and it was a bit too wobbly for my taste.

Don't forget to add the rattle.

Once you are happy with the amount of stuffing use a slip stitch to close the seam. I finished my slip stitches by poking the needle through the stitch and out of the plush as shown in the pictures. Pull the thread and cut it off. this way it will vanish into the plush.

Don't forget to wash your rattle before giving it to your baby to get rid of the rest of the wash-away stabilizer.

Congratulations you are done.