Introduction: Mnemonic World_Tinkercad, Minecraft, Quizlet

Lesson plan overview

There are several techniques to learn a foreign language. We offer you mnemonics method with a digital context combination. The main idea is to create an activity within Tinkercad which would allow the teachers to facilitate a class (based on the level of the class) to learn new vocabulary in a foreign language by designing 3D objects in Tinkercad which bring out the idea of mnemonics or the real meaning of the word. As well as further using creative objects in different platforms such as Minecraft and Quizlet for better memorizing and learning new vocabulary. Starting points Goals: - Learn a foreign vocabulary in different languages using mnemonics - Create 3D objects within Tinkercad - Build a world in Minecraft using 3D objects from Tinkercad - Quiz your knowledge Target group: grades 6-12 Capacity: 10 words per lesson (it can be less or more, depending on the teachers’ plan) Levels: Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced Fields: Language Arts, STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics) Time: 2-4 hours Students: 10 (depending on the capacity) Methods: Visual imagery mnemonics supported by a STEAM - maker approach Equipment/materials/access: 1) laptops/computers, internet access 2) Platforms: - (accounts required for teachers, optional for students) - (Microsoft account is required for teachers and students) OR/AND -

Step 1: Step 1. Preparation of the Working Environment–an Online Platform.

Carefully read the instructions of how to use the create teacher’s account, create a classroom, and invite students to your classroom, using class code.

Step 2: Step 2. Setting a Learning Goal for the Lesson.

Select, for example, 10 new foreign words, which should be learned during a lesson. Setting a subgoal: explore the platform and mechanisms which support students’ creativity and developing abstract mindset.

Step 3: Step 3. Explain How to Work on the Platform.

Briefly show how to operate in the different modes, for instance, in 3D Design, Circuits, Codeblocks. Also, provide students with the opportunity to import 3d-objects from different platforms (e.g.

Step 4: Step 4. Dividing Students Into Groups.

It depends on the number of students and available time, but all new foreign words should be distributed between students (e.g. 1 word for 1 student or 1 word to 2-3 students or 2 words for 2-3 students). NB! The quantity of working online projects in = the number of words.

Step 5: Step 5. Appointment the Task for Each Group.

Distribute all new foreign words among students’ groups.

  • Say the words out loud correctly for each group and ask students to activate their visual imagery associations regarding the sound of each word in their native language or other basic languages. For example, the Finnish word “rakentaa” consonants with the English word “rocket” and it creates an association as a “rocket” in the mind.
  • When students are ready for their first associations, tell them the meanings of new words separately for each group, and ask them to create the second association with the actual meaning. For example, the Finnish word “rakentaa” means “to build” it creates an association as a “building” or “process to build” in the mind.
  • Ask students to visualize and create 3D models based on two associations in the in one project.
  • Ask the student to create separately the foreign word (e.g. rakentaa) in the in a different project using text and letters template (this object could be helpful in the Minecraft platform)

Step 6: Step 6. Sharing Students' 3D Models Among the Class.

Minecraft: Education Edition platform (should be installed for each student)

6.1 Ask each group to present their projects (share the link), explain the process of creation, and pronounce foreign and native words, and ask others to guess the real meaning of the word.
6.2 Ask each group to export their projects from the in the format .schematic in the common share folder (where each student has access, it can be Google docs or Microsoft teams).

6.3 Carefully read the following instruction, share it with students and integrate students’ objects into Minecraft world. Present a step-by-step process for students of how to upload 3d-objects from the Tinkercad to the Minecraft world (Minecraft Education Edition).

6.4 Invite students to your Minecraft world where students can explore the world, find 3D objects and find the appropriate foreign word.

6.5 Instruct students to create their own worlds in Minecraft using shared 3D models and ask them to invite friends.

Step 7: Step 7. Assessment of Knowledge Through Quizlet (Check the Students’ Knowledge Quickly by Matching Foreign Words With Definition)

Quizlet (

Step 7.1: You have to create an engaging study set. Upload images, add vocabularies and with description that your students will study in different ways on desktop or mobile. Go to the top bar and click "Create a Set"

Step 7.2: Then you have to make a class to keep track of your students’ learning. Use class progress to share and assign sets with your students and see how they are engaging with their learning. Go to the side bar that says "Join or Create a Class".

Step 7.3: You can create digital flashcards by putting the vocabulary word on one side and the definition on the other side with a 2D image (you can create images in Tinkercad and upload it or you can select the images from the image store in Quizlet). Students can also use the Match option to practice matching the vocabulary word with the correct definition.

Step 7.4: Use the Quizlet Test feature to assess students on skills they are learning in class. You can set the correct answers, and then the assessment will be graded automatically, leaving less work for you. You can set written questions, true-false, matching or multiple-choice questions according to your teaching goals.

Step 7.5: You can assign them to play games. Scatter game can be played by matching vocabularies to their definitions and images. Gravity game can be played by typing words before their definitions vanish off the screen.

Step 7.6: You will assign unique code to the students to take part in Quizlet live. Once all students have joined, you can put them into random groups. Then the game can begin. Students work together to communicate and determine which teammate has the correct answer. At the end of the game, you will receive a snapshot that shows how well students understood the material.

Step 8: Standards

ISTE Standard 1: Empowered Learner. Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.

ISTE Standard 2: Digital Citizen. Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.

ISTE Standard 3: Knowledge Constructor.Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

ISTE Standard 4: Innovative Designer. Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.

ISTE Standard 6: Creative Communicator. Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.

ISTE Standard 7: Global Collaborator. Students use digital tools to broaden their perspectives and enrich their learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in teams locally and globally.

Standards for Foreign Language Learning 2,3,4,5