Introduction: Mob Drop Tower

About: I like to play minecraft and a ton of other video games im thirteen so ill probly have alot of time to post tutorials cheats and other stuff
This will kill all mobs but chickens they can float

Step 1: Supplies

Stone glass and spawn eggs made only in creative. Arrange in any nine block pattern that has the middle cut out

Step 2: Cutting Out

Cut out a block from the side about four blocks down then add a removeable block three blocks from the top.

Step 3: Adding and Dropping Cows

Add cows to the middle block at the top then fly down and remove the removeable blocks you placed earlier

Step 4: Cut Holes

The cut out a hole two blocks high to fet to the meat loots

Step 5: Making Cows and Other Animals Sing

Then you can use the chicken opera you built earlier to make cows sing