Introduction: Model Railway Scene
So in this instructable I will be showing you how I am making a model railway scene for Mars. It is a static model without a moving train but the size of the scene is able to use a 'N' Scale model train.
First I am using odd bits from around my workshop. Wood, screws, paint... Etc. I have taken some photos and am using two blue match boxes for you get a idea of the real size scale of the model. The dimensions of the scene are approx. 40 inches long by 10 inches wide. I'll provide metric dimensions as I go along.
I am calling this model railway scene 'MARRZ TRANZIT' (just for fun, after all everything has to be called something...) I have made a Railway Poster with the title.
The railway line will run along and through tubes over a red plant landscape with some plants and rocks artistically placed here and there. (I know, I know there are no plants on Mars... Its just fun. Let it go..!).
Mostly I will explain as I go along the reasons for doing things as well as explaining how I make the model.
So that's the introduction, full steam ahead then. Whistle..!
Step 1: The Base Board Bits
Ok the bits. Wood and screws. The wood is 1 inch square timber. screwed together and the top landscape board is made from Wood chip / OSB board. 40 inches by 10 inches
Step 2: Other Bits.
I have painted the board with some brown matte varnish to help preserve it and just to make it look better than raw timber.
I am going to use some very coarse sand and grit mixed with some glue or other sticky stuff to spread over the base board to begin the red planet landscape.
The model train will travel along and through a tube. Made from 2 inch grey plastic drain pipe. I will cut and model mostly with this grey plastic pipe.
Step 3: Sand & Sticky Stuff.
Ok the sticky stuff I used to stick the sand to the base board is called C200. Its like PVA and can be watered down to make it thinner and go further. I started with a tube of 250 grams. I used about half of this mixed with water in and old tin can to paint the entire top of the base board. It only took about a quarter of this quantity to paint the base board.
Then what was left over in the tin can I poured into about six handfuls of sand into a plastic basin and mixed it all around, using a spoon.
Sticky Bit... I then just scooped out handfuls and spread it all over the glue covered base board.
(Yuk!!! I recommend wearing plastic gloves to do this) I had warm water and soap to clean up straight away.
I squiddidied my own term, the sand and C200 mixture all over the base board. making it even across the whole board and looking like a real sand landscape.
NOW it take a good 24 hours to set so LEAVE IT ALONE! No touching, it will set hard.
Step 4: Small Problem...
The C200 glue I used has changed the colour of the sand so I am now considering a quick paint job using acrylic paint, red, orange yellow to make it more 'Red Planet' like. But the C200 has certainly glued the sand to the base board well enough, I can even turn it upside down and not a grain of sand falls off. Strong stuff C200!
Step 5: Ready for Painting.
I have got a plastic cola bottle and made tiny, tiny little hole in the plastic cap. I will mix up paint and thin it so it squirts and drips out of the tiny, tiny holes and makes a better 'Red Planet' colour across the sand. I will mix up acrylic paint in various colours. Red, orange, yellow and maybe some pink too.
Step 6:
Step 7:
Well the 'Red Planet' landscape is coming along and I have found some chrome tube which might just make a future tube train.
Just have to get the plastic tube for the track into position.