Introduction: Moleskine Adaptations
Taylor Levy made a Moleskine Sketchbook / book clip model--our base model--for digitally modeling extensions to. This playful idea is primarily aimed at children--in an attempt perhaps to further engage kids to embrace "analog," or physical books and sketchbooks, say as compared to an all digital or online reading & drawing environment. We also hope that adults may appreciate our whimsical intent with these clip'd add-ons. Madison Maxey and Bernie Lubell also worked within our Moleskine adaptations group and have wonderful design additions.
Step 1: Loopdeloops
- Here is an another example of adding onto Taylor's book clip model, this time with a tubular section, made by animating a profile along a path. Both the profile and the path can be any shape. In this case, each path has a loopdedoo--or two--in it, rendered as pink plastic tubes with rectangular and circular profiles.
- In prepration for printing, there needed to be some leveling of the polygons on the contact bearing portions of the "tube clip" mesh. What remains to be seen is wether or not the tube clips will stand up or tip over when 3dprinted.
- Three tube clips, each with a square profile and at least one loop, were 3dprinted, and while all three LoopDeLoops will hold a (sketch)book vertically, the bearing surface, or contact area of each could have been increased for additional stability.
Step 2: Rabbit Ear Bookmarks
Here is a system for differentiated rabbit ear bookmarks, modeled in Autodesk Maya and controlled with a lattice deformer; we 3d printed two examples from our initial taxonomy. We first tried printing with a Makerbot, but ran into issues with the mesh. Next, we adjusted the mesh and printed with an Objet 3dprinter. There are also multiple shapes and additions that can be added, of which, we made another few examples, one dubbed Tetris, the other, Blobby Flower.
Step 3: And One Blob.
- Also included here are three (blue) images of a globular form as attached to Taylor's Moleskine Clip for 3dprinting using Autodesk's Ember 3dprinter. The surface itself was made in Autodesk Maya from a polygonal sphere modulated by extruding soft-selected faces, and the Bonus Modelling Tools extrude and scale UV controls. The file was next exchanged with Autodesk Mudbox, creating unique orders to the polygonal surface by using a stencil pattern for additional micro-scaled relief, before converting it to a subdivided surface in Maya again. Lastly, after converting again to a polygon, all edges were turned into connecting beams between vertices. Thickening tests of this emergent, lace-like geometry were conducted using the two Bonus Tool extrusion controls and the normative mesh extrusion tool, however, with each tool test, a number of overlapping faces were created. Towards printing, this polygonal model should be able to more easily gain material thickness by using a mesh checker software that is good at controlled component offsets.