Introduction: Monitoring Potentiometer Values Using Arduino's Analog Input

About: With 13 years of design experience, I have served as an Autodesk products administrator in the academic realm, overseeing 15+ SDPs and FDPs while successfully preparing a student team for victories in IIT PALS…

The objective of this experiment is to understand how to interface a potentiometer with Arduino's analog input and monitor the changing resistance values in a virtual environment using Tinkercad Circuit.


Monitoring Potentiometer Values Using Arduino's Analog Input

Step 1: Connections

  • Add an Arduino simulator and a potentiometer from the components library.
  • Connect the potentiometer's three terminals to the corresponding pins on the Arduino: connect one end to 5V, the other end to GND, and the middle pin to an analog input pin A0

Step 2: Code Block

follow the code block

Step 3: Simulate