Introduction: Monopoly RFID Automated Bank

This project was created with the already existing electronic bank monopoly in mind. It uses an arduino uno and rfid to operate. Moreover it is equiped with an lcd and a keypad for navigation. I did make it using a 3d printer but if you do not have acces to one it is ok since the housing could be manufacture with different materials and means. From my experience from using it, it makes the game not only more fun but quicker and less messy. In this tutorial i will so you how to programm the arduino how to wire the components and how to put it all together.

Disclaimer: English is not my first language and I do not have a degree in engineering whatsoever. Electronics is my hobby and that's why I'm providing every piece of information that went into developing this project.

If you have any questions or problems feel free to ask at the comments.

If you think that I've made a mistake and you want to improve my design you can inform me from the comments.


For this project you will need:

* an arduino uno

* an rfid reader ( I used RC522)

* LCD screen 16x2 with serial interface

* flexible keypad 4x4

* buzzer

* wire

* 3d printer

* stl files(*

*M3 screws with nuts various sizes

*6 RFID cards and 1 rfid tag

Step 1: Arduino and Wiring

The sketch above is the way components should be wired in order for the program to function.

With this project you will use all of the ports on your arduino uno.

Firstly the RC522 RFID reader will be connected from left to right:

1st pin -> D13

2nd pin -> D12

3rd pin ->D11

4th pin -> D10

5th pin -> leave unconnected

6th pin -> gnd

7th pin -> leave unconnected

8th pin -> 3.3v

The keypad will be connected from left to right as follows:

1st pin -> D9

2nd pin -> D8

3rd pin ->D7

4th pin -> D6

5th pin -> D5

6th pin -> D4

7th pin -> D3

8th pin -> D2

The lcd with serial interface( which is represented with a non serial lcd in the diagram) will be connected as it is labeled with sda to analog 4 and scl to analog 5.

The buzzer or piezo speaker will be connected as follows:

positive to D1

negative to Gnd

Step 2: Arduino and Code

I provide the code below, feel free to alter it and modify it in any way you desire. Keep in mind that it will only work with the wiring that I showed before. The only thing you will have to do is replace the id of each card in the programm with the corresponding ids of your cards.The atached video explains which numbers to change and replace with your card's id.

If you dont know your cards id here is a way to find out using your RC522 module here.





Step 3: 3D Printing the Parts

I 3d printed the parts using a printer that i made on my own so i cannot recommend any settings for the parts. I used PLA and supports.stl files

Step 4: Final Assembly

Place the arduino in the cutouts in the housing. After that place the lcd and tighten the screws and also place the keypad. Then insert the Rfid reader close to the outer wall and the buzzer. I recommend soldering the wires to the different components and the connecting the oher ends to the arduino. Cable management is tough but plausible. Last close the two parts, make sure that no cables are sticking out and secure the two halves with tape.

Step 5: How to Use It

To use the automatic bank first press * to initialize after that you have to scan a card then type a number press A to add the current number or B to subtract the current number then scan the second card.if you want to give or take money from the bank first scan the card of the player and then sca the bankers key.