Introduction: Monster Speakers

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Here's a quick "Show and Tell" of how I decorated a pair of custom speakers to look like these awesome monsters.

Aren't they adorable/scary/cool?

Step 1: Prepare Speakers

Noah did this part.
But I'll try and recreate what I think is happening from the pictures he provided!
Check image notes for further clarification.

Let's see. . . . first we've got a box type thing that's going to get the facing put on it. The speaker guts will live in here. Looks like we're using some glue and some clamps. (see pictures 1 & 2)

Next get some foam! The blue kind! Most likely found at hardware stores, since that's where you will most likely find Noah. Also I recommend using caulk to put it all together. (see picture 3)

No wait, that doesn't make sense. . . Get some glue in a caulk gun type thing, and go to town. Glue that foam all over that box. Make sure you're using the right size pieces though! Measure twice, cut once. (see picture 4)
Update: Noah really wants me to make sure you know this is liquid nails. I know it's not caulk, but I thought it was funny. As it turns out, liquid nails is no joking matter.

Next, tape all of your seams. But not the whole way. If you don't understand why, I really can't help you, and this step is probably too advanced for you anyway. Just skip it. (see picture 5)

Once the glue is all dry and secure (I'd give it at least 24 hours), start carving your shape! Begin with some rough cuts. (see picture 6) Then you can go in and mark where you want it to be more refined. (see pictures 7 & 8)

Now's a good time to look at your feet. (picture 9)

And ta da! It's done! (see picture 10)

Wasn't that easy?

Step 2: Make a Pattern

Now it's time to cover that bad boy with some fur and stuff.

First we need to make a pattern!
Get some newspaper and fold and form it over your speakers. Tape helps a lot in this process. And scissors. You will want scissors.

Create seams and darts wherever the paper meets.

Mark where the 'eye' and 'mouth' openings will be.

  • If you are using fur, consider the "nap" - which way the fur is directed. You don't want one side with the fur going up and one with it going down.

Also make patterns for any add-ons, like wings, feet, etc. You are limited only by your imagination! (more on that in step 7)

Open your pattern flat and straighten any wonky edges with a ruler.

Measure each side to make sure all corresponding seams are the same length. You'd be surprised at how often they aren't.

Step 3: Mark the Pieces on the Fabric

If using fur or a patterned fabric, make sure you know which direction it's going.
I drew a big blue arrow on the back of my fur with a water soluble marking pen so I wouldn't forget.

Lay your pattern on the back side of the fabric and mark around the edges.
Mark a seam allowance outside of these lines however wide seems best for your sewing skills. Mine are marked at 1/2", but I'm mad skilled at this stuff. You'll probably need more.

Step 4: Cut the Fabric

When cutting fur, it is best to only cut through the backing, and not the pile of the fur. If you did so, you'd have tiny cut edges of fur that look like you gave it a home hair cut.

So use an X-acto knife on the backing of the fabric and just cut through the part that holds all the little hairs together. Then when you pull the cut pieces apart, you'll still have long luxurious strands of fur.

You'll see what I mean when you do it right. Also it sheds a lot less this way. Don't get me wrong, it still sheds, but it sheds less.

Cut only along the seam allowance lines you marked. You'll need the other lines to sew along.

Step 5: Sew the Base Piece Together

I lettered all of the top seams so it will be easier for you to follow what I'm sewing to what. I also used some awesome graphics to help you along.

Pin the correct edges together and sew.

Remember that fur against fur wants to slide around a lot, so use a big stitch and go slow. Lots and lots of pins help too.
It can take a few tries to successfully sew fur to itself in a becoming manner.

Sew each of the "darts" that shape the head first. Make sure to backstitch at the beginning and end of each seam.

Then pin together along the top and side seam, and sew together as before.

You did it!

Step 6: Clean Up Your Work & Try It On!

Time to get rid of your tracks!

I used a blue water-soluble pen (spit pen as I call them), which showed through the white fur.
Consequently, I had to go back and remove each line.
However, I am doubly glad I didn't use a black Sharpie.

So yeah, don't use a Sharpie.

Turn the fur right-side-out and admire your work.

At this point, you'll notice that some of your fur is caught up in the seams.
If you want to be OCD about it, you'll use some sort of chopstick or seam ripper - type - tool to free the strands of fur from the seams. I won't include pictures of this process because it's tedious and probably unnecessary. (And if this were a grad school project, I would have failed for not doing so.) It's really a decision you'll have to make for yourself.

Step 7: Make Your Add-ons

Make patterns for wings, feet, etc. by just imagining what you want them to look like. And then drawing them. And cutting them out. Voila! Pattern.

Mark the patterns on the back sides of the fabric, and draw a seam allowance around the outside of every line. Just like you did before with the body.

Cut them out of their respective materials, and stitch together. Let's see, I used white fur for the tops of the wings, gray fur for the undersides, gray fur for the tops of the feet and black felt for the undersides, and silver satin for the horns. Aww.

  • Advanced technique: Cut the undersides of the wings and feet smaller than the uppers, and they will magically turn out beautifully. The upper, larger pieces will roll over the edges and the under, smaller pieces will be centered perfectly like little paws or whatnot.

Sew the pieces with right sides together, leaving openings large enough to turn them right side out when done. Backstitch backstitch!

Step 8: Finish and Attach Your Add-ons

I stuffed the wings, feet and horns with batting to give them more dimension and vitality.

After filling with batting, sew ends together securely.

Pin the accessories to the speaker fur where you want them. I only sewed the wings across the top so they'd still be floppy.

Sew the accessories where you've pinned them. For best results, use heavy duty thread and a curved needle.

Step 9: Cut Out Holes for Speakers and Wires

Now it's time to cut its eyes out!

Carefully trim away the fur covering the speaker openings and wire outlets.

Trim away the offending fur bit by bit, and use hot glue to stick the cut edges to the wood underneath.

I covered the rest of the fur to prevent drips of hot glue from clogging it up.

Now it's time to get Noah to mount the speakers in the openings. Trust me, we did it. We don't have to show you. We used a screw gun, I'm pretty sure. Oh yeah, and the fur got tangled up in the drill bit, so make sure you don't have any fur where your screws are going to go.


Step 10: Accessorize!

You did it! Your monsters are done and they are too legit to quit!
You know what that means. . . . dress up time!

Choose a bunch of themes and thren throw out half of them.

Our winners were:
  • Mr. Peanut (with monacle and mustache)
  • Rambo (with headband and eyepatch
  • Ugli monster (with stiching for an eye)
  • Crazy bloody teeth (with crazy bloody teeth and eye)
  • Punksters (with mohawks and earrings and bad attitudes)

The accessories were made with craft felt (I soaked them in glue and dried them so they'd be stiff), and held on with strategically placed white velcro (sewn to the speakers with - you guessed it - Curved Needle!)

Mix and match to your heart's delight!

Shew! We made it.

This was my first instructable ever (though I'm only now posting it) and it's been my favorite to write up. Hope you had fun!