Introduction: Moonlight Joy Painting

In this project, you will learn how to paint a girl on a swing in the moonlight with the use of acrylic colors, dry brush strokes and earpicks.So, Let’s begin...


• Pencil
• Plain paper
• Scissor
• Canvas ( i have used home made canvas)
• Acrylic Colors
• Brushes ( i have used number 0,1,4,)
• Water container
• Color mixing Pallette
• Earpicks 5-6

Step 1: Background

Initially, take a piece of paper and draw a circle for moon according to the size of canvas. Cut it out and place it on canvas in the middle. Ensure that you have enough space to paint the grass field.
Now, create the moon light effect using white, black, ultramarine blue, cerulean blue.
In the upper corners and edges give shade with the black and coming to the middle part blend both blue colors evenly with the flat brush. At last, just add a touch of white with skyblue color to create perfect moonlight.


After finishing moonlight, paint the moon with white color. Next you have to do is, paint the area with sap green at the outside boundaries and yellow in the middle, just add a touch of black on the edges. Thereafter, hold a brush ( it should be dry), dip the tip of brush in the paint ( sap green) and apply dry brush strokes to painted area to form the effect of grass. For highlitning the grass, repeat same procedure with yellow color.
Remember, highlight the center area of grassfield more .


Now its turn to paint clouds and trees. For clouds, make a rough sketch with the help of pencil or brush itself. Choose black color for the backgroung and apply white color for outlining the upper part of clouds. Then do slight shading in between the clouds.
Coming next to tree, load your brush (number 0) with black color and outline the tree and its branches as many as it suits your painting . You can also sketch tree with pencil and then paint as per your wish but i did it straight with brushes.


In this phase, get some references of girl on the swing from books, internet or anywhere. I got mine from internet. Draw a roughly sketch of girl and swing with a pencil or charcoal sticks. When you are satisfied with the sketch start painting it with black color.


Coming to the last step, we have to creat the shadow of tree . For that, i used black and brown color with the help of dry brush strokes.
To make flowers, you need to grab some earpicks and dip them into paint whichever you like and tap on the desired areas where you want to locate your flowers .Here i used pink , light pink and white shades because it suited my painting very well. At last highlight them a little bit with white color and apply some dry brush strokes for finishing.
Taa daa..... your painting is complete .
Hope you like it :)
Please comment if you want more tutorials .