Introduction: Morning & Night Light
This is a self-made paper light used for both morning and night.
Step 1: Materials
These are the materials and tools you need to recreate this project:
- x2 16x20(cm) white drawing cartridge paper(mark the 14cm line, leaving 6cm area leftover as the glue block)
- x2 25x20(cm) white drawing cartridge paper(mark the 19cm line, leaving 6cm area leftover as the glue block)
- x4 14x5(cm) cardboard pieces
- x4 19x5(cm) cardboard pieces
- x8 20x2(cm) cardboard pieces
- silicon paint brush
- box base
- Faber-Castel 36 water colour pencils(It is important to use Faber-Castel's color pencils, they are for watercoloring and that's what's needed!)
- One cup of water
- Glue
- Tape
- Scissors
- Arduino Leonardo
- x6 wires
- x2 220 ohm resistors
- x1 Resistor(10k ohm)
- x1 Light sensitive resistor(LSR)/Photoresistor
- x1 Green LED
- x1 Yellow LED
- x6 DuPont connector
- USB cable wire
*White drawing cartridge paper can be purchased at any local bookstore/craft store, it will not be in the size I want it to be so please measure it and cut it into the right size.*
Step 2: Procedure
The Art:
Here's what's going to happen: The "marked 19cm" piece of white drawing cartridge paper is where the art is going to go, one of the papers is painted in a theme of night and the other is for the theme of day.
1. Prepare the first piece of "marked 19cm" piece of white drawing cartridge paper and start drawing whatever imagination you have for "day" and "night".
2. Using the "night" as an example(via images above). For me, using a HB pencil(choose a light pencil to avoid your sketch being too dark), I first started to sketch where I want my aurora to be(as the bottom of my aurora is where my green light is going to go). Then I sketched a faint horizon line.
3. Next, I choose colors out of my color pencils. I used dark indigo to faintly color the night/background for the aurora. Next, I used light green, leaf green, cobalt green, cobalt turquoise and emerald green as the general color for my aurora. For highlighting and shadowing, I used middle purple pink, mauve and deep scarlet red. Hold the pencil at just above the middle place for the pencil so that you don't color it too hard or too soft. Color from lightest color to the darkest, stop before the horizon line.
4. After coloring with dry pencil, take a silicon paint brush and dip it in water. Wipe off excess water on the rim of the cup and start brushing the paint brush gently from the top of the paper. Don't worry or panic if your painting looks streaky, you have a second chance to enhance and intensify your colors, you can cover the streakiness then.
5. Dip dark indigo into the cup of water and wipe excess on a piece of tissue(gently!). Start coloring from the top to bottom, changing respective pencils in between. Below the horizon line, color the space in all solid black, do not leave any unblended spaces in between. Use the silicon paint brush to blend and brush water onto the paper when needed.
6. Wait for the paper to dry. When it is dry, you can now color in the blemishes and fill in imperfections, you can intensify colors using a dry color pencil over the blended and wet canvas.
7. You are done with the "night" theme! For the "day" theme, it follows the same step, sketch, color with dry pencils, gently brush with silicon paint brush, cover with second layer, refill and cover blemishes. The colors I used for the "day" theme" follows the order(from top to bottom): Helioblue reddish, ultramarine, cobalt turquoise, cobalt green, earth green yellowish, cream, dark chrome yellow, cadmium yellow and white(clouds) for the sky. For the ocean, I used: helioblue reddish and ultramarine. I used white, black and dark indigo for the waves.
*Procedures can be seen in visual form above*
The Circuit:
(Please follow the image above for instructions)
Turquoise= DuPont connector
Orange, red, blue= normal wires
The Putting Together:
1. Stick all 4 white drawing cartridge paper together in the order: 14cm marked, "night", 2nd 14cm marked, "day". Using glue and tape, stick the glue blocks behind the marked area, glue blocks should be all facing inwards and not presented on the outside. A rectangle shaped structure should be formed.
3. I chose the quote, "Night is to make dreams, and day is to make them true" as my quote on the side of the light. Write "Night is to make dreams..." on one piece of the 14cm marked white drawing cartridge paper then "and day is to make them true" on the other piece of white drawing cartridge paper
2. Stick the 14x5(cm) cardboard pieces inside the rectangle, 2 pieces should be stuck on each of the bottoms and 2 should be stuck on each of the tops of the inside of the 14cm marked areas.
3. Stick the 19x5(cm) cardboard pieces inside the rectangle, 2 pieces should be stuck on each of the bottoms and 2 should be stuck on each of the tops of the inside of the 19cm marked areas. Two each on the edges of the "day" theme and "night" theme.
4. Stick the 8 20x2(cm) cardboard pieces at 4 respective edges. Two on each edge.
5. Get hold of the LED lights and stick them on where they belong.(Yellow light of "day" theme is stuck just above the left side of the ocean line. Green light of "night" theme is stuck above the horizon line and at the focused bottom of the aurora.
6. Place the rectangle light into the box base, and you are done!
P.S. Remember to cut a hole on the side of the box base to fit in the usb cable.
Step 3: The Code
This is the link for the code, more information about further modifications can be accessed with notes in the sketch.
Step 4: You're Done!
You've finished the project! Enjoy your morning and night light!